Soviet glossy magazines for women

Do you buy glossy magazines for women? For example, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Harper's Bazaar or what others? I haven't bought it for a long time. Everything I want to know about fashion, style and beauty - I find out on the Internet, with the help of books and people of professionals in their field. I do not impose my view on magazines, I have a special life, and for most girls, paper magazines are still relevant, because it is so convenient to look through the magazine in those circumstances when there is no computer or tablet nearby. In addition, contact with paper is important for many people.

Although, in any case, printed glossy magazines for women will gradually be replaced by electronic versions of different formats and platforms. And in the USSR there was no Internet and tablet computers, so for a girl to look through a glossy magazine was one of the few opportunities to touch the world of fashion and beauty.

The truth of fashion and beauty in the magazines of those years is not much. Everywhere on the covers and inside pages, we see completely different women - the leading articles of production, milkmaids, weavers and other workers of the city and village. It would be curious to watch the girls times of the USSRif they had fallen into the hands of the modern Cosmopolitan, where in each issue there are a lot of tips on how to be beautiful, how and how much to do fitness, what diets to follow, and most importantly, how to seduce a man.

Comparison of modern gloss with the magazine of the USSR

Most photos are enlarged on click!

It's ridiculous to draw parallels between women's magazines of the past and the present. One gets the impression that a woman in the USSR was only thinking about work and winning socialist competitions, and the current beauty, as if she has no goals other than making an ideal body and seducing the best man. At the same time, neither those magazines nor the current ones give recipes for how to become happy seriously and for a long time!

Soviet glossy magazines

Cover of a Soviet magazine for women
Cover of a Soviet magazine for women
Cover of a Soviet magazine for women
Cover of a Soviet magazine for women

Vintage magazine from the USSR, photo
Vintage magazine from the USSR, photo
Vintage magazine from the USSR, photo

Pioneer, photo

Soviet woman

Soviet woman

Soviet woman

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