
Pre-revolutionary New Year cards

It is now unacceptable to send greeting cards, because it is more expensive and longer than sending an email or congratulating on social networks. On the one hand, such changes brought speed to our life, and now we can send congratulations at the very last moment, but on the other hand, we have lost something.

An electronic congratulation comes instantly, but it does not provide material contact. And before, you could scent a greeting card with your favorite perfumery scent, put it in an envelope and send it to the addressee. invites you to see a photo where you can see what postcards were in the pre-revolutionary period. Here you can see New Year's greeting cards and Christmas cards.

Happy New Year - pre-revolutionary postcard

In the following publications there will be several collections with postcards from the Soviet period.

Merry Christmas greetings, postcard
Pre-revolutionary New Year cards
Merry Christmas greetings, postcard
Merry Christmas greetings, postcard
Vintage new year card

Vintage new year card

Vintage new year card

Happy New Year - pre-revolutionary postcard
Happy New Year - pre-revolutionary postcard
Happy New Year - pre-revolutionary postcard
Happy New Year - pre-revolutionary postcard

Vintage new year card

Vintage new year card

Happy New Year - pre-revolutionary postcard
Happy New Year - pre-revolutionary postcard
Happy New Year - pre-revolutionary postcard
Happy New Year - pre-revolutionary postcard
Happy New Year - pre-revolutionary postcard

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