Do you love contemporary art, do you understand contemporary art, or are you perhaps afraid to admit that it seems strange and ugly to you? Do not be afraid, today wants to talk about useful forms of contemporary art, namely design, which is reflected in the sweetest sides of our lives.
Confectionery design - unusual cakes for the New Year
Very soon the New Year, which is preceded by numerous corporate parties, then there will be trips to relatives and friends. In general, there are a lot of reasons to make gifts and take part in feasts.
But you don't always have fresh original ideas for gifts and entertainment, as a result of which many people spend the New Year banally. They give each other money - by transferring a certain amount and receiving, which in essence resembles shifting a bill from one pocket to another. Then they sit down at the table, where everything is also the most commonplace, only a lot. Basin salads, red fish, juicy meat steak and a standard cake bought from the local cuisine. suggests taking a different route!
Order a cake of an unusual design that will reflect your hobbies and interests, hobbies, the work of your relatives or friends. It is not at all difficult, if desired, the cake can accommodate - a policeman figure, a black car, a favorite doll, a small cottage with a surname written on it, and much more, depending on your imagination and desired impressions.
Such a cake will be discussed with interest, it will become the reason for many conversations, and most importantly, many will remember it and will tell their friends and acquaintances after the holidays.