Where to go to study as a designer, photographer and model

Very soon, many boys and girls graduate from school, and therefore are in thought - how to arrange their future life, where to go to study?

If you are interested in the world of fashion, the profession of a fashion designer, fashion designer, photographer or model, be sure to read this publication to the last line!

They write to me a lot with questions - where to go to study? has already talked about educational institutions more than once Of Russia, Of Ukraine, Belarus, Of Italy, England, USA and France, and today we will summarize and finally decide where there are more chances for success. loves Russia, history and traditions, but I cannot dissemble in front of my readers - if you want to reach heights as a fashion designer, photographer or model, you better go abroad. This is especially true for girls from the provinces who are considering starting their studies. Choosing Moscow, London or New York, choose London or New York. I hate to admit it, but getting a good education in fashion in Moscow is still unrealistic. At the same time, if you do not have an apartment in Moscow, your living expenses in Moscow or London will not differ much.

Where to go to study after school

Therefore, choose from these three cities - London or New York. Along with education, you will gain a lot of useful experience - you will perfect your knowledge of English, have an internship in one of the famous fashion houses, and meet successful people from the fashion industry. And then you can stay to work in one of the successful companies.

Then, after gaining experience, getting to know the whole world of fashion from the inside and building up business contacts, you can open your brand and return to Russia, open your store, showroom in Moscow. This is one of the most realistic plans to start as a fashion designer today.

Why is everything so sad for Russia? Why is it problematic for us to get education in the field of fashion and create our own brand? It happened so historically - Russians loved beautiful clothes, loved luxury, but even in the days of the tsars we did not have our own fashion industry. Russia is rich in folk crafts, we make Pavlovo Posad shawls, Yelets and Vologda laces, embroider with gold and beads, but Russian queens and princesses went to Paris for dresses.

Then came the Soviet government, which sought to destroy fashion as a phenomenon, believing that fashion is a bourgeois vestige. Then, in the 90s, everyone was given freedom, but Russia is a rich country, we have many other industries that bring money faster and more, so the Russian authorities do not pay attention to the fashion industry, from which we essentially lack a fashion industry. In Russia, there is no opportunity to learn to be a fashion designer, and if you manage to learn, there will be a lot of difficulties with fabrics, production facilities, and responsible executive employees.

And most importantly, Russians are suspicious of brands of Russian origin. For successful positioning, some companies with Russian capital and owner take a tricky path. The brand is registered in England or Italy, sewn also somewhere abroad, and then imported into Russia and sold.

As a result, Moscow and other Russian cities are important in the fashion world exclusively as a sales market. Fashion is not created in Russia, only a finished product is sold here, so it does not matter where you live in Saransk, Ust-Labinsk or Moscow, these settlements do not have any impact on world fashion.

Surprised, outraged? This is the reality - Moscow does not decide anything in world fashion, Moscow Fashion Weeks have no impact on the fashion world, Moscow designers rarely grow out of the scale of an atelier and only sheathe their acquaintances, the acquaintances of their acquaintances, etc. Dating a designer with Russian celebrities does nothing either. In Russia, stars have little influence on the fashion world. This is in the USA, in the famous TV series, the heroine appeared in the shoes of the same brand and the women rushed to buy ... The princess or the first lady made a choice in favor of the dress of a young designer, and his career went uphill.

Conclusions - get an education, you need to create your own brand in London or New York, and then, when the business is established, you can open boutiques in Russia.

Sadly? Yes, it's sad, but that's the truth. Over time, everything should get better, but you don't want to wait 20-30 years, you need to enter and get an education now.

Where to learn to be a photographer

Where to learn to be a photographer?
Photography is a fascinating business, the life of a photographer seems like a fairy tale to many - creative work, freedom, the opportunity to travel and communicate with famous and beautiful. But in reality, most of the photographers make very funny money.

You can learn to be a photographer in Moscow and in other cities of Russia, but most importantly, who will pay you for your work? In Moscow, some talented photographers conduct training courses, you can learn a lot from them, but at the same time think ...

If a photographer knows how to shoot well, why should he study, he loves teaching people so much? Not at all, the fact is that the photographer simply does not have enough money from ordering, so he is forced to teach.

In addition to teaching, there is another option where a good photographer can always make money - weddings. Shooting weddings is the most realistic topic for making money from photography, because it is during weddings that people are most willing to part with money. True, not everyone wants to run with two cameras at a wedding, dodging drunk guests that can damage the flash ... In general, few people want to take pictures of drunk guests, and then sit and spend hours processing photos with drunk relatives in Photoshop.

Although it is possible that everything will go wrong for you, and you will quickly start collaborating with glossy magazines.

Modeling business and model castings

Model and modeling business where to go and do I need to study?
There are different opinions as to whether it is worth studying to be a model. Many are of the opinion that there is no need to study, and if you have model data, you will quickly be taught everything in the agency. Someone has the opposite opinion - you need to learn from the model.

Where are models taught? There are no universities or colleges for models. Models are taught in modeling schools, where they give basic knowledge of how to walk correctly, how to develop self-confidence, how to work with a photographer. Who else, but I think that this knowledge will be useful to any girl, and even if you do not become a model, but graduate from a modeling school, this knowledge will be useful to you in life.

Look around how many beautiful girls, but how ridiculous they behave, what a wretched gait, and what awkward photos you can see on social networks. Therefore, it is better to graduate from a model school, and do it in parallel with studying in a regular school. Along with this, buy several books about the modeling business, about the collaboration of a photographer and a model. It will be helpful to read books on developing self-confidence.

And also take a camera or camcorder and shoot your photos and videos - shoot as much as possible, work on yourself, improve yourself.

Modeling business where models are taught

Then, if you still decide to try your hand at modeling, send your photos to modeling agencies, starting from New York and further Paris, Milan ...

You can try with Russian modeling agencies, but here again the sadness.

Russian modeling agencies cannot give work to the best models, and therefore send them to foreign agencies.The model's earnings are divided into the following parts - part to the foreign modeling agency, part of the money to the Russian agency from which the model was sent, and all that remains is for the model itself.

If you do not go to a foreign agency, there are not many opportunities for a model to earn money in Russia. As a result, the models remaining in Russia wander around presentations, parties, and there it is a stone's throw to a completely different profession, much more ancient than the model. Is this what you want - just to be surrounded by rich men? Then there is no need to go anywhere, everything is in Moscow, and it is quite possible in this respect you can get even better here, but this is a completely different strategy - to become a model in order to find a rich man 30 years older than yourself and thereby get a job in life.

I know that many of you like this path, but this is a different story, which I will tell you about in the following publications.

Modeling business and model castings

In conclusion, I would like to say that even if you are a heavenly beauty like me, this does not guarantee that you will be in demand in the modeling business. Look at the models from the TOP 50 rating of the site We looked ...

There are many more beautiful girls on the streets of our cities, but success in the modeling business is not only about the beauty of the face and the perfect figure.

What else? I'll tell you more in more detail a little later.

Success in the modeling business
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