Materials Science

Linen and linen clothing

The materials from which clothes are made can contain a wide variety of raw materials - natural fibers, artificial and synthetic. By the way, artificial fabrics and synthetic ones are not the same thing. Synthetic fabrics are fabrics created from fibers that hitherto non-existent in nature, and artificial fabrics emit natural fabrics well or poorly. has already talked about silk, wool, and today we will say a word about flax.

Linen suit for men

Linen and linen fabrics are not widespread and popular in Russia today, therefore the bulk of linen clothing sold in Russia is of foreign origin.

It is difficult to give a definite answer as to why it happened, apparently, it is necessary to take into account a combination of factors, including the desires of consumers, among whom there is a widespread opinion about the difficulty of wearing linen clothes, because linen wrinkles quickly and strongly. Although in reality everything is not so bad, and if 20 percent synthetics are added to linen fabric, the clothes will receive new properties, and will not wrinkle so much, while retaining all the useful properties of natural linen.

Linen clothing and the health benefits of flax

Natural linen and linen fabrics
Natural linen has a "rough" surface, with small knots that arise when short fibers are spun into a long thread. The origin of flax is an annual plant, Linum usitatissimum, which has been cultivated since ancient times.

Linen fabrics have a lot of pleasant and useful qualities. So, they can boast of high hygroscopicity - they perfectly absorb moisture and are suitable for summer clothes, for bedding and underwear, especially in the hot season. It is worth remembering that during sleep, the body temperature rises, sweating increases, and fabrics that absorb moisture well will help not only maintain comfort, but also prevent a number of diseases.

And also studies show that flax has unique hygienic properties - its fibers greatly reduce the activity of pathogenic microflora, so linen clothes and underwear are well suited for people suffering from skin diseases. Even with an ailment like eczema, linen is recommended to help you feel better.

Linen clothing and the health benefits of flax

Linen and cotton
In Central Asia, special tests were carried out, which made it possible to find out that people who wore clothes made of linen had the temperature in the space between the body and clothes three to four degrees lower than that of people dressed in cotton.

Another advantage of flax is its minimal electrification. This gives comfort in use, because fabrics that accumulate static electricity get dirty more and faster - electric charges help to attract dust to the surface of the material. But flax resists dirt well - firstly, due to its low electrification, and secondly, due to its smooth surface (loose, fleecy fabrics "collect" dust and other dirt much faster).

In addition, dense white linen reflects well almost the entire spectrum of sunlight, due to which it is good protect you from the sun even in those places where the sun beats especially mercilessly from morning to evening, for example, in hot Arab countries.

Now, knowing all the advantages of linen fabrics, you can safely include linen products in your wardrobe and you will probably never regret it.

Linen and linen clothing
Linen and linen clothing
The benefits of linen clothing
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