
Basic principles of skin whitening

Pigmented spots appear on the skin as a result of disorders, or rather, increased melanin synthesis. About this and the reasons for this process in the body already told... Now let's consider the question, how to eliminate unwanted pigmentation, and maybe even hyperpigmentation. First, knowing the reasons, first of all it is necessary to eliminate them. Perhaps everything else will be decided by itself. However, we are always in a hurry and want the skin to shine with radiant light tomorrow.

Sometimes we are like removing stains on clothes much more carefully and more carefully than on our own skin. But in the case of careless use of certain means, you can get very sad results, and instead of pigmentation in certain areas - hyperpigmentation. The latter - alas, but it happens when you overdid it. You cannot approach the issue of skin whitening with the expectation that there are a lot of means in cosmetology now, and if not this, then something else, the third will definitely help. This is a mistake that can lead to dire results.

Before considering the principles of skin whitening, it should be said:

1) that no whitening agent can be applied without the condition of protecting the skin from the sun's rays;

2) there are no skin whitening products that would whiten quickly, effectively, for a long time and without risk to health.

Not so long ago, our mothers and grandmothers in cosmetology had a small selection of bleaching agents - these are mercury ointments, phenol and 20% salicylic alcohol. There were other products that were potentially harmful to both skin health and overall health.

Basic principles of whitening

Whitening consists of two stages: exfoliation of the stratum corneum and reduction of melanin synthesis.

Chemical peels, dermabrasion and laser resurfacing are sometimes used to remove pigmentation. It is these procedures that exfoliate the skin, but at the same time, after these procedures, from too thorough exfoliation, an increase in pigmentation may occur. The effect of deep peeling can be impressive, but then melanocytes will start synthesizing pigment again.

What do the most effective whitening products do?
Some drugs interfere with the ability of melanocytes to produce melanin. Others interfere with the synthesis of melanin. Still others block chemical signals that trigger pigment synthesis. And some simply discolor the skin, destroying the finished melanin (hydrogen peroxide). Which is better?

Among the whitening agents are potent, but with side effects - allergies, dermatitis, and even increased pigmentation. There are also those that act gradually, but not as effectively.

Basic principles of skin whitening

Which tool to give preference to?
First, answer the question - Do you need to use potent drugs - what will be the effectiveness and what is the risk of possible complications? Compare.

Before choosing one or another whitening technique, a cosmetologist must determine -

• Are the melanocytes in their normal functional state, which is typical for this type of skin? Perhaps their hyperactivity is due to some reason?

• Are the factors that caused the hyperpigmentation still active? If so, can they be eliminated?

• Is hyperpigmentation temporary? (pregnancy, hormonal contraceptives, other medications, etc.).

• What area of ​​the skin will be treated?

• Is your problem being solved within the framework of cosmetology?

Winter is the most ideal time for skin renewal, as sun activity is minimal during this time.

Basic principles of skin whitening
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