One day, Charles Frederick Worth, who was the supplier of Empress Eugenie, began to mark the things he created with his name, as famous artists do. This is how the trade mark was born. Since then, the supplier has grown into couturier, and the fruits of his work are called FASHION.
Couturier rightfully equates himself with artists, especially since their works are unique handmade items from high-quality expensive materials. In 1900, at the world exhibition, a new caste of couturiers was formed and outlined their tasks. All of them were focused on Charles Worth, who by that time had already died for five years, and his sons Gaston and Jean-Philippe continued his business.
It has always been peculiar to man striving for beauty, and the desire to dress beautifully has been at all times. There has always been a variety of styles of fashionable clothing that varied according to locality and social status. For each social class, there were certain forms and types of clothing, fabrics, details of attire and jewelry. Clothes tell a lot, it even reveals hidden desires.
A person adapts to the world around him, he accepts fashion, but at the same time, with the help of fashion, he seeks to differ from others.
One of the hallmarks of fashion is fluidity. Before something comes into fashion, it already goes out of fashion. Buying an expensive interesting thing, you think that you will wear it for a long time, but a little time passes and you see that the thing is already out of fashion.
Maybe such fickleness depends on the desire or fickleness of the couturier's thoughts? No, not everything is so simple in the fashion world. In reality, their creations are successful only if the master captures the spirit of the times. Fashion does not arise out of nowhere, it always, and very accurately, reflects the slightest changes in the life of this world.
This is a brief history of the emergence of fashion, but fashion in its modern form was introduced by fashion designers of the sixties, realizing that clothing items in an age of technological progress and mass production should not exist at all, exist only in the singular to be considered a creation. The brand became independent. Now fashion brands adorn not only clothes, but also sunglasses, underwear, dishes, dolls etc., and a fashion designer does not always personally participate in the creation of models - just his signature or a brand known throughout the world is enough.
Fashion history for The magazine