
Babydoll dresses

In 1956, the film "Baby Doll" was released, in which Carroll Baker played. It was this film that influenced the birth of the style. First appeared peignoirs and long nightgowns, they are firmly included in the wardrobe of every woman. And later - very short dresses that emphasized youth and innocence. They were an outstanding invention of the 60s, fresh and innocent, and then made a real sensation.

These dresses can be worn with both leggings and jeans. They are suitable not only for a young girl, but also for a young woman, as long as the figure allows. All Baby Doll outfits look attractive, but not at all vulgar.

Baby Doll style dresses photo

Baby Doll style - cheerful style, with bright colors, with flowers, ruffles, ribbons, bows, laces, with sleeves and without sleeves (the lantern sleeve is very popular in this style). Also interesting in the style of Baby Doll are all kinds of tops, of various colors. The neckline can be small and deep enough - it's up to you to decide how much boldness will allow, but still, the middle neckline is more welcome. Such short dresses, as already mentioned, were worn in the 60s, but now with new fabrics and technologies, such dresses look stunningly beautiful. Old ideas helped to create dresses that are relevant and fashionable today.

Baby Doll style dresses photo

The Baby Doll style has been revived, and it all started with a negligee.

This style is most likely style for relaxation, celebration, fun. Therefore, it is completely unacceptable for office work.

By the way, both Britney Spears and Penelope Cruz prefer this style.

Baby Doll Style

Baby Doll Style for Magazine

Baby Doll Style

Baby Doll Style

Baby Doll style dresses photo

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