Beauty Barbie has no less fame and influence than famous actresses and singers. Barbie even surpasses celebrities, because she never gets old, dolls made 30-40 and even 50 years ago are still beautiful.
Therefore, it is quite understandable why many professional photographers and just photography amateurs make wonderful photo shoots for Barbie, putting all their soul and imagination into them.
Thanks to their work, we can see many completely different Barbie photo shoots. Somewhere she is a traditional blonde - a beauty surrounded by pink things and interiors, and somewhere she is a cruel predator capable of the most severe deeds. The imagination of people is limitless, and sometimes it takes the most awkward, disgusting forms. All this is reflected in the Barbie photo shoots. Only will not display strange and shocking photographs in order to impress. is a site aimed at different readers, even the smallest ones, so we will only have photo shoots where Barbie is a beauty and fashionista.
In addition to jewelry and children's jewelry made from inexpensive materials,
real barbie style diamond gold jewelry is now available for purchase.
We will have a separate publication about such products.
The cake based on a real doll is very easy to make.
After watching the training video, which is also available on our website, you can make a similar cake yourself.
Vintage Barbie Dolls
And you can also read an interesting publication about how much it costs mink coat for barbie
Barbie videos