Outbred cat for 300,000 rubles

For most Russian citizens, the amount of 300,000 is quite significant. A rare girl has such money, even loan of 300,000 not everyone can take it. Despite this, you can meet quite a few people who spend such an impressive amount on a cat! Yes, you heard right, on a cat, and often not a leopard cat of the Bengal breed, but on a simple mongrel cat!

How does it happen, after all, a mongrel kitten costs nothing, just open a newspaper of free ads, there you can find dozens of offers where people persuade them to take cute kittens for free. Some advertisements promise to bring a kitten directly to your home and help with neutering.

In some cases, kittens of the British breed and many others are given completely free of charge. Where, then, is the catch, who should be paid 300,000 rubles?

How much does it cost to keep a cat or cat

All the fun begins after purchasing a cat. Have you ever wondered how much it costs to keep one cat or cat?

Now a rare family feeds a cat with leftovers from the table, and even a rare cat will agree, there are leftovers of borscht or leftovers from a plate. It is also problematic to catch mice and frogs in the city, therefore, you need to buy separate food for the cat. In addition to food, the cat needs toys, a visit to the veterinarian, and vaccinations. If you add up the annual costs, the average cat costs about 1,500 rubles a month. By simple calculations, an amount of 18,000 rubles per annum is displayed, then we take the average life expectancy of a domestic cat of 15-16 years and get the required amount of 300,000.

How much does it cost to keep a cat or cat

Apart from the costs of keeping the cat, we did not take into account the losses incurred by the cat. Any cat lady knows that, depending on the character, the cat can get up to different pranks. Some cats climb curtains, others tear up upholstered furniture and carpets, eat potted flowers and scratch doors. Sometimes a cat can leave a lot of clues on a new dress or wallpaper.

How to stop a cat from spoiling things
How to wean a cat from spoiling things

Many female cats spend 300,000 or more on a cat for 15 years, some have 2-3 cats, and their apartment or house is furnished with old furniture that they inherited from their ancestors. These people spend on cats as much as they would have been enough to buy new furniture and household appliances, which would make their life actually better and more comfortable, and so money is spent on dubious emotions and fictitious love, which they do not receive from people.

Scientists have conducted studies many times and proved that in most cases, a cat does not like its owners, but only uses their time and resources. A cat or a cat lives on their own, and if they had the opportunity to go to where they feed better, do not hesitate - most felines would sell their owners for more delicious food and better conditions in their understanding without much regret.

How much does it cost to keep a cat or cat

Of course, most cat ladies will not listen to these calculations and will call me a calculating soulless person, but who has a mind, he will consider the costs of keeping the animal, and will not have a cat or a cat. If you lack love in this world, then it's not about the bad people around you, it's about you and no cat will save you.

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