
World Beauty Day - September 9

Today celebrates a professional holiday - the world day of beauty, and at the same time congratulates everyone who is associated with beauty and the beauty industry.

During the XX century, there were many discoveries and events that pushed the development of the beauty industry, thanks to which we have many beauty salons and various means that make women in Russia and the whole world even more beautiful, prolonging youth and giving additional chances in life.

World Beauty Day was established by the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology CIDESCO in 1995.

International Beauty Day - September 9

Holiday in Russia
There is an opinion that the most beautiful girls in Russia. This opinion is very widespread not only on the territory of our great country, but also in other states. Someone is trying to argue, proving the opposite, but in fact, with the development of the Internet, it is very easy to be convinced of the correctness of the former.

Use the social network and look at the photos on the pages of girls from different countries, compare where there are more beauties. In addition to social networks, there is such a wonderful resource where girls post photos of their images. For the sake of interest, compare the photos of girls from Russia and French women. Having looked at a dozen Russians, and a dozen French women, you will probably agree that Russian women are both prettier and dress better.

These are the things, in Russia there are most of all beauties, which means that today's holiday - the world day of beauty can be considered not only a holiday for professionals in the beauty industry, but also a holiday in Russia, which gives the world the most beautiful girls.

International Beauty Day - September 9

Therefore, we have Russian beauties a reason to be proud! But let's not forget an important detail - beauty is not a guarantee of happiness. Looking around you can meet many lonely and really unhappy beauties who have forgotten that external beauty alone is not enough for happiness. It is important to have not only a beautiful face and an ideal figure, but also a beautiful soul, because people are drawn not to those who have a beautiful face and an icy heart, but to those with whom they are warm and comfortable. Therefore, taking care of fleeting material beauty, let's not forget about spiritual beauty, which is actually eternal and does not need plastic surgeons and expensive cosmetics.

World beauty day
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