Fashion history

Headdresses of ancient Russia

In this publication wants to share with his readers delightful photographs where we can see the girls' and women's hats of ancient Russia.

Russian girls and women have long loved luxurious outfits and accessories. Therefore, hats were made of the best fabrics, decorated with gold and silver embroidery, beads, sequins and river pearls.

Maiden and female headdresses of ancient Russia

Of course they are not really that old. These headdresses were created in the 19th century. It is almost impossible to collect a collection of ancient hats or clothes, because clothes and hats, unlike items made of silver and bronze, are not stored for a thousand years.

Maiden and female headdresses of ancient Russia

These hats provide an opportunity to remember our rich history, to think about our ancestors. And creative girls can draw inspiration to create their hats, because autumn has come into its own, and the cold will reign on our streets for many months ahead.

Headdresses of ancient Russia

Russian headdress of the 19th century
Russian headdress of the 19th century
Russian headdress of the 19th century
Russian headdress of the 19th century

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