Buying shoes and bags online

If you do not live in Moscow, but in other regions of Russia, you must have noticed that in 2024 the range of goods has become scarce in many stores. This applies to a variety of products, ranging from products, the choice of which has become somewhat smaller, to fashionable clothes and accessories. Even in cities with a population of over one million, it is not easy to find something unusual, beautiful and, in fact, of high quality.

But do not be sad, the Internet has not become scarce, but on the contrary, it is getting richer and expanding day by day. Online shopping has long ceased to be something special and difficult. The exception is various auctions, such as and sites like When we buy there, we come across different sellers, some of whom may have little experience, while others think to be cheating, as a result of which the buyer may be disappointed.

Therefore, it is best to buy unusual things on - collectibles, clothes and handmade accessories, because you can't buy it anywhere else. On the other hand, is the perfect place to shop for cheap items that are not very demanding. For example, a Snow Maiden costume for the New Year, a doll for interior decoration, funny soft toys and the like.

You can also buy shoes and bags there - the choice is huge, and at first glance it may seem that there are quality things there, but this is a delusion. Almost all the goods there are of low quality, and sometimes there is a deception when they sell a bag made of eco-leather or leatherette under the guise of a leather bag. Sellers try to cheat in every way, passing off pressed leather as leather, although it cannot be called natural leather. And this is quite understandable, now everyone wants to earn as much as possible and as quickly as possible, because we live in a world where everything is happening rapidly.

Buying shoes and bags online

How can you avoid disappointment? Buy in trusted stores, in large stores with international delivery, such as, or you can buy in our Russian ones, the main thing is to carefully read the terms of payment, delivery and return-exchange, in case it does not suit you shoes.

This is especially true for girls who have a somewhat non-standard leg. Perhaps too narrow and graceful, as a result of which the shoes periodically fly off at the most inopportune moment. Such girls know how difficult it is to choose the right pair, so it is more convenient for them to buy in Russian stores, because delivery times are shorter, and with payment it is easier.

In foreign online stores, there are various difficulties, some of them do not deliver to all major cities of Russia and, in correspondence with the support service, cannot give a clear answer why they cannot send a bag and a pair of shoes to Volgograd or Stavropol. And there are also difficulties with payment, they do not process all bank cards, and this is not surprising, because many girls try to pay in online stores with Visa Electron salary cards, which are great for withdrawing cash from an ATM and paying for purchases in real stores, but not always accepted on the internet. Therefore, explores the Russian Internet again and again.

I am familiar with almost all sites dedicated to fashion and beauty, I have been observing their life path for more than a year, and together with information sites I browse our stores. I like many of them, but some, in pursuit of profit, strive to cover all market segments and begin to trade absolutely everything, only often nothing good comes out when there are thousands of books, a welding transformer and designer shoes in the store.

Buying shoes and bags online

Everyone should do their own thing, which is why I pay close attention to small stores with a clear specialization.

If I want to buy a doll, I visit an online doll store, and if it's time to replenish my collection of shoes and I want a new pair of Italian shoes, I look into shoe and bag stores. Thanks to this, you can surely choose high-quality things and not make impulsive purchases that are in real stores.

Real shops are very good, they give us the opportunity to go out for a walk, show ourselves and see people, try on many pairs of shoes along the way, but there are also disadvantages. In a real store, special psychological factors come into play, under the influence of which you buy not always what you need. The salesperson brings you pair after pair for fitting, and you already begin to feel obligated to buy something.

Besides, in a real store there is no time to compare prices, you cannot remember all prices. Some girls do not buy expensive shoes in real stores, not because they cannot afford to spend 15-20 thousand on shoes, but because of embarrassment, they do not feel very comfortable in boutiques, where everything sparkles, and every saleswoman looks at them haughty appraising look. And there are many more factors that prevent us from making the right choice of shoes in real stores.

That's why again and again will agitate its readers to buy expensive shoes, but do it deliberately and slowly, in which online stores will help us.

Buying shoes and bags online
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