Anja Rubik was born on June 12, 1985 in Poland, the city of Czestochowa.
External data Anya Rubik - Height 179 cm (according to other sources 176), Weight 60 kg, volumes - chest 86 cm, waist 61 cm, hips 89 cm. Hair color from birth is light brown, and eyes are blue. She has an official website and a page on the myspace social network, besides her personal page on this social network and in others, Anya has many fakes. At one time, she even wrote a warning on her page that this particular page belongs to her, and all the others are fake. Even posted a list of links to fake pages. It's a strange phenomenon to use someone else's photos, why do that? In any case, it will not be possible to live her life, and only time will be spent on futile communication on social networks under a fictitious image.
How to distinguish the real page of Anya Rubik and other famous top models, actresses? Now in popular social networks, an icon is put - Verified account, and before it was a little more complicated, but nevertheless, if you wanted, you could always check the authenticity. For example, find a page about a celebrity on Wikipedia, where links to official pages are usually given. There are also links on the website, and besides, see how many friends this page has and who is a friend. In this simple way, you can protect yourself from online deceivers.
This is how it happens on the Internet, there is an opportunity to approach those who are very far from us in distance and lifestyle, but at the same time, you can fall into error. And herself Anya Rubik currently living in New York, she recently changed her hair color and became a brunette for the Fendi advertising campaign (autumn 2024) photographed by Anja Karl Lagerfeld.
In addition, Anya Rubik is by far the most demanded model. From April 2010 to April 2024, Anya took part in 43 fashion shows, appeared on 59 covers of various glossy magazines.
A year ago, I also had a page on the myspase network, Anja Rubik was on the list of my mutual friends. Then I lost the desire to use social networks, deleted all the pages, and only memories remained.
Anja Rubik, Anja Rubik for Magazine
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