Effective remedies for acne on the face

Where should you start? No, not from acne, but from tea tree oil. Tea tree oil can be applied directly to acne or added to your favorite toners. Stir just a few drops of oil into face mask... Tea tree oil is also a good help for acne. Many oils have an antioxidant effect, relieve the skin of acne, microcracks, and prevent scarring.

There are many ways to treat acne with natural homemade remedies. Let's take a look at some of them.

Effective acne remedies

Bactericidal agent - 1

To create the first bactericidal agent, you will need: 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aloe vera juice (you can freshly squeezed from the leaves of the plant), 1 capsule of vitamin C and 10 drops of tea tree oil.

We put all the components in a ceramic or glass bowl, mix until smooth and transfer to a specially prepared jar, it is possible from under the lip balm. The mixture is well stored in the refrigerator (not in the freezer) for up to six months, since vitamin C is used here as a preservative. The mixture can be used to treat acne, acne and microcracks.

Bactericidal agent - 2

1 teaspoon of apricot kernel oil, 3 drops of chamomile essential oil, 2 drops of geranium essential oil and 10 drops of organic tea tree oil. Mix all the ingredients and place them in a bottle with a pump nozzle. This remedy can be used on the affected skin twice a day. Do not use the product during the first 3 months of pregnancy.

Effective acne remedies

Green tea lotion - use in critical cases!

You will need: 1 green tea bag, 1 tbsp. fine sea salt, 1 drop of eucalyptus essential oil, 5 drops of chamomile essential oil, 10 drops of tea tree oil, 1 patch and 1 piece of sterile gauze.

Brew a cup with a bag of green tea, take the bag out of the cup, open it gently on a saucer and lay out the green mass. Mix it with salt and oils. Make a small ball out of this mixture and attach it to the pimple, cover with gauze and cover with a plaster.

In the morning you will see that the pimple is almost invisible. If the skin around is a little wrinkled, it will go away quickly - after 10 minutes.

Such a lotion, spreading over the surface of the affected skin area, should remain for a long time. That is why it should be applied at night. This is a powerful tool and should only be used in the most critical situations.

Before using these products, you must be absolutely sure that none of the ingredients will cause you allergies.

In addition to self-prepared products, you can choose tonics containing tea tree oil, chamomile, cucumber, aloe, calendula and fruit acids.

Remember to use sunscreen if you have acne and while treating it, to prevent dark spots from forming.

Effective acne remedies
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