A mohair sweater paired with an exquisite silk dress or sequinned skirt will give you an undoubtedly luxurious look. These sweaters can be used in evening wear.
Cashmere and mohair are now in vogue. Whenever luxury is in vogue, cashmere and mohair are at their peak. About cashmere mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ already told more than once. What is this luxurious yarn called mohair?
"Moher" is a word of Turkish origin, which means "the best goat hair" in translation.
Mohair is a luxurious and natural fiber. With its lightness, it resembles silk, it is used in sewing sweaters, suits, dresses, coats and, of course, smart clothes. Bedspreads, carpets, warm blankets, funny toys and even upholstery are made of mohair.
Mohair is a weightless canvas that enchants us with noble shades, its tenderness and warmth. It is made from the wool of goats that originally lived in Angora, the Turkish province. This wool has long been highly valued. Foreign guests more than once exported their wool to their distant countries.
However, after 1820, Europeans gained access to this weightless and finest wool, as well as to these unique animals. Angora goats gradually began to settle in South Africa and Texas, where climatic conditions are similar to those of Turkey.
Luxurious mohair can be called one of the most ancient fabrics. Its history goes back several thousand years. Some animals with wonderful hair were mentioned in Tibetan manuscripts. Perhaps they were the ancestors of the Angora goats? In ancient times, the Turkish province of Angora was the center of goat breeding, and the wool was called Angora. Visiting foreign guests have always paid attention to the high quality of wool. And the locals carefully guarded the secret of the magnificent wool.
This continued until the 15th century. And suddenly a fluffy and weightless wool appeared on the market, but it was made in China. Wool was also called Angora, although its price was much lower than Turkish. So it is not the first time that China has won the market back from its neighbors by the fact that the prices of the goods turn out to be much lower. It soon became clear that the quality of this wool is also somewhat lower, since it was made from rabbit fluff. What to do? From that moment the Turkish Angora began to be called mohair, which in Arabic means “the best”, “the chosen one”.
Turkey took care of its goats and did not sell them to anyone. But in the 19th century, the British immigrants to South Africa persuaded the Turks. Thirteen animals were handed over to the British, and the males were neutered beforehand to prevent reproduction. However, the only goat turned out to be pregnant, and the born goatling became the ancestor of the Angora goats in South Africa. And South African mohair is now the best in the world. It delights with its lightness, unsurpassed softness, brilliance, warmth and extraordinary shades.
Angora mohair, most often, is a uniform fleece with a white color and shine. Its composition: transitional hair (in fact, the same mohair) and a short awn (kempa), which is usually removed.
What properties does angora fleece have?
Angora is fluffy and voluminous, exceptionally strong to tear, elastic, has a stable natural shine, which does not disappear even after staining.
And of course, it is unusually warm, which allows you to sew all kinds of winter clothes from it. When dyeing wool, you can get any shade - from pastel and frosty (shades of ice - from frosty pink to bluish green) to the most juicy and bright (shades of an autumn forest - copper and gold). Of course, this is an environmentally friendly material that does not self-ignite. If the fiber is set on fire, it burns weakly and goes out almost immediately.
Mohair wool types:
Kid mohair... This wool is obtained from very young kids after the first shearing. The coat is the thinnest and softest.
Goatling mohair... The wool of two-year-old kids, after the second haircut. This coat is also fine and soft.
Adult mohair... This type of wool is obtained from adult animals. But its peculiarity is such that it is either rough or soft.
How to care for mohair products so that they serve you for a long time and delight you.
All mohair products require proper care and delicate storage.
As always, when we buy any thing, we pay attention to the label, to the care recommendations that the manufacturer offers.
You can store mohair clothes on hangers, having previously fastened all buttons or zippers. If you have a real angora, you can not be afraid - the product will not stretch, but folds will not form on the hanger. You can fold your mohair items neatly into a bag or special box.
When you need them in the cold season, before putting on, hang all your mohair products over the steam for a while, the folds will be smoothed out by themselves. This is often done with cashmere products. The closet in which you store your winter items, including mohair, should be ventilated from time to time. And so that the moth does not start, you can put cubes of cedar concentrate, naphthalene or just dried lavender flowers in a separate open box next to it. Firstly, the smell in the closet from lavender is wonderful, and secondly, the moth does not like this smell at all.
Never dry woolen items such as cashmere and mohair on heaters. If exposed to rain, dry at room temperature.
Mohair items can be dry cleaned. Before you pack your things for the winter, you can do this. If cleaning is not required, but spots have appeared in some places, try to clean it with a brush or damp sponge.
But since dry cleaning at its cost sometimes corresponds to the purchased item, wash it in the washing machine at the most delicate mode, putting the product in a special fabric bag. The "Wool" or "Delicates" mode is suitable. And it is better to wash by hand wash in a special powder, which is intended for wool products, or in shampoos.
With proper care and storage, angora products will delight you with their beauty and warmth for a long time.