Pink, coral and fuchsia dresses 2024

Today in Russia, pink is probably the most provocative color. Pink is associated with Barbie and accordingly, if you are no longer a little girl, but dare to dress in a pink dress, you will surely attract a lot of attention and at the same time condemnation. Therefore, only confident girls can buy and wear pink dresses. If you are afraid of judgment and ridicule, it is better to choose other colors.

Although initially pink is the color of childhood and carelessness, the color of kindness, tenderness, love and romance. Pink is considered one of the softest, passive colors in psychology. These are the contradictory impressions in the minds of the people - pink outfits personify kindness and tenderness if they are dressed on little girls and stupidity, vulgarity, commercialism, venality, if a pink dress is on an adult girl.

Of course, the current meanings and associations of color are an unnatural state of consciousness in our society. In the minds of modern people, there are a lot of contradictions, unsatisfied desires and complexes. The vast majority of people are inferior and not satisfied with life, therefore, they need objects for condemnation and ridicule in order to drown out inner discontent with their own life.

Pink dresses spring-summer 2024
Photo top and bottom - dresses spring-summer 2024 from Jenny Packham
Pink dresses spring-summer 2024

Even a dress in bright red shades won't get as much attention as a pink one. Rather, in a red dress you will not go unnoticed, it is quite possible that others will find something to complain about in your appearance, but with pink everything is much more complicated.

For many women and men, pink awakens the desire to mock and condemn, these people begin to express their opinion that they see through and through the essence of a girl in a pink dress. All this is very funny and therefore, if you like to provoke the audience, buy a new pink dress from the collections spring-summer 2024. every season chooses the best pink and coral dresses, as well as dresses in fuchsia and other shades of pink, but as always, much cannot be collected for publication, because there are a lot of dresses in the collections, and there are even more shades of pink.

Pink dresses spring-summer 2024
Photo above - Giamba
Photo below - Matthew Williamson

Fashion spring-summer 2024

In the Giamba collection you can find dresses for real girls, while at Meskita we see dresses suitable for club entertainment. Jenny Packham has a lot of pink dresses, and Fendi offers an unusual outfit that can turn into a fabulous pink chicken. If you want to become a real angel, buy the Undercover dress.

Putting on a pink dress, remember - pink in our reality is better suited to those who are allowed to experiment. This does not mean that pink is not suitable for a business woman. A pink dress can be a wonderful outfit for negotiations, the main thing is that you are 100% confident in yourself! You must be able to control the situation and take advantage of the stereotypes, weaknesses and misconceptions of people. If you know how, pink will help you in business, if there are no such skills, pink will hurt.

In some situations, it is very beneficial to get the first impression of yourself as a naive girl who is still in childhood. Thus, you will bring to life the words of Scripture - a wolf in sheep's clothing ...

In conclusion, it is important to note that pink is both attractive and dangerous. Before you buy a pink dress, you need to understand exactly which shades of pink suit you best. Perhaps you like fuchsia, but it does not suit your color type and then the ridicule of others will be justified.Study your appearance, experiment with dresses of different shades and makeup, and you will surely find a pink dress that you will not want to part with.

Pink dresses spring-summer 2024
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Pink dresses spring-summer 2024
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