Some gifts, for example, a bottle of expensive cognac or whiskey, can only be given to men, and many other gifts are quite universal and can please both a schoolchild and a man of retirement age, the main thing is that the gift should correspond to the interests and worldview of the man.
How to choose and buy a gift for men and boys on February 23?
On the one hand, it is very easy to buy a gift - in reality and on the Internet, many stores offer everything your heart desires, and on the other hand, very often faced with the choice of a gift, you think for a long time and cannot choose. This is where primitive gifts like shaving foam, a razor and a set of sports socks are made. offers its options for gifts on February 23rd.
Leather bag or briefcase
A rare man has several bags in his wardrobe. Basically, men save on bags and briefcases, buying the cheapest. You can make up for this omission - present your man with a high-quality leather briefcase or bag. If your man has to periodically carry a laptop or tablet with him, buy a leather laptop bag, specifying the size in advance so that everything will fit.
Spinning reel
At all times, many men loved fishing. Previously, fishing was a necessity, but now it is entertainment and cultural recreation. The fish in lakes and rivers is getting smaller and smaller, and it becomes more and more difficult to catch it every year, but this does not stop men from fishing. If your man also loves fishing, give him a spinning reel or something else from fishing things.
Binoculars or spyglass
Do not give small binoculars, but give a real large men's binoculars. Which binoculars should you buy? It is not easy to give universal advice, there are a lot to consider when buying. One thing I can say for sure - do not buy cheap Chinese binoculars, and do not take modern Carl Zeiss. Recently, Carl Zeiss has been producing products of not the highest quality, the company is trying to save on everything, which is very unpleasant, because they are asking very serious money for their products! In general, Carl Zeiss is not the same for a long time, the company is becoming obsolete.
Buy Chinese, Russian, or maybe Belarusian binoculars that cost at least $ 100-200. For this money, you can choose quite decent binoculars that will last for many years.
Watch storage box
If your man wears a watch, give him a nice watch box.
Coat of arms of Russia
Do not forget - February 23 is a holiday of all defenders of the Fatherland, which means that for this holiday it is better not to give an iPhone and other unpatriotic things, you can give them for birthday, New Year and other holidays, and by February 23, the coat of arms of Russia will become a wonderful gift, for example , bronze with gilding. Of course, such a gift is not suitable for everyone, but only for those men who already have their own office, where it will be possible to hang this coat of arms in the most conspicuous place.
Air pistol or rifle
The thing is generally useless and even a little dangerous, but any man loves weapons and therefore, when men are going to go out into the countryside, a rifle or a pistol is very useful, they will shoot at bottles, and maybe even shoot a small bird. Men naturally have a hunter's instinct.
A multitool is a multifunctional tool, often made in the form of folding pliers with hollow handles, in which additional tools are hidden. Outwardly, a multitool differs from a knife and in essence is not a knife, but is a travel set of miniature tools.
Porcelain dog
Not everyone can get a dog.The dog requires a lot of attention, it needs to be fed, walked and constantly raised several times a day. In the modern world, few can afford to spend a couple of hours a day on a dog, as a result, the dog grows anyhow and becomes harmful, disobedient, spoils things and generally brings a lot of problems. To avoid this situation, recommends buying a porcelain dog as a gift and giving it a name.
Lighters, ashtrays
Smoking has not been fashionable for a long time, smoking is harmful, and, taking into account the new laws, it causes a number of inconveniences. For this reason, does not recommend donating lighters, cigarette cases, ashtrays.
Gift book
February 23 is the Defender of the Fatherland Day, which means that it is best to give a patriotic gift, for example, a gift edition of a book on the history of Russia. There are many books on the history of Russia now, so choose carefully. Never buy history books from authors like Boris Akunin. Such authors are good at writing entertaining reading, which is good for just killing time and somehow entertaining themselves in the absence of other entertainment.
History books shape our minds, values and ultimately have an impact on life, therefore we must very seriously check and select the authors of the books.
Original flash drive
Almost every man needs flash drives for storing and transferring information. One flash drive is enough for someone, but in fact the second and third flash drives will not be superfluous. I already have 7 of them, and at the same time all are used, on one photo of the collections of the new season, on the other various videos for viewing on a large screen, other flash drives store personal information, various documents and passwords.
External battery
If a man loves travel or is on business trips, goes fishing, an external battery will come in handy for charging a smartphone, tablet or camera. Today it is one of the most useful and affordable gifts. The battery is useful for both schoolchildren and adult men.
Finally, I would like to say - give real things, do not follow the propagandized ideology about the superiority of impressions over real things. Many people, after reading creative magazines, begin to give preference to experiences, such as parachute jumping, sports car rental, striptease, flying in a wind tunnel and other fleeting nonsense. In the life of a modern person, there are many opportunities for obtaining different impressions. Many vivid impressions are available absolutely free of charge, you just need to turn on your brains and put in a little effort.
Impressions cannot be put in a pocket, hidden in a safe, or placed on a shelf. Impressions are quickly erased from memory, so it is better to give real things. Many of the things on our list can last a lifetime and will remind you of you.