What vitamins are good for in the spring?

It is usually said that by spring, due to a lack of fruits and vegetables, the body needs vitamins more than ever. But it turns out that most vitamins dissolve well in water and are quickly flushed out of the body, so the body must be replenished with vitamins regularly, and even in summer, despite fruits and vegetables. Only fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K can be stored in the body. But their sources are not vegetables, but meat, liver, eggs, milk, butter and vegetable oils, fermented milk products and cereals.

Everybody needs vitamins, a lack of vitamins, especially in spring, is found in both adults and children. Most often, there is not enough B vitamins and vitamins A and C. Among the trace elements, a lack of iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc is found. But each of us is different.

Much has been written about the benefits of vitamins, but it is clear that our body needs them every day. Of course, we get our vitamins from foods, fruits and vegetables. But doctors say that it is almost impossible to get the required amount of vitamins from food. Everything is very simple - for this you need to very, very diversify your diet and eat a lot of food in order to get everything.

What vitamins are useful in spring

Almost all countries have a recommended daily intake for vitamins. We also have these norms in Russia. For example, in order to get the necessary amount of vitamin B1 - 1.4 mg, you need to eat 700-800 g of wholemeal bread or 1 kg of lean meat per day. Or vitamin C - its content in 100 grams of apple juice is 2 mg. To get your daily intake of vitamin C, you need to drink 15 glasses of juice. But there is a limit to everything.

Therefore, the lack of vitamins must be replenished with an additional intake, but not with food, of course, but with the help of medications. It is best to combine a nutritious and varied diet with a multivitamin.

Some argue that if you take the same vitamin complex for a long time, it will stop helping, the body gets used to it. However, doctors say the opposite - the effectiveness does not decrease. Therefore, if you have chosen any vitamin complex, take it.

Synthetic vitamins, that is, those that are present in vitamin complexes, are absolutely identical to natural ones, and are no less effective than in natural products. Now the technology for the production of vitamins has been reliably worked out. Vitamins in preparations are more preserved than in food. In addition, natural vitamins in products are in bound form, and in vitamin complexes they are ready for assimilation. According to research by scientists, vitamins and minerals can come into confrontation with each other, therefore there are such vitamin complexes, where it is indicated at what time it is better to drink the red or blue pill in this package, that is, it is better to take them separately. And this is also very important.

What vitamins are good for drinking in the spring

Lack of vitamins you can recognize yourself.
Here are some "objects" to navigate by:

Drowsiness, irritability, memory loss, fatigue.
You have started to catch colds often.
Eyes get tired quickly.
The skin has become dry or even flaky.
Acne appeared, and maybe boils.
Lips cracking.
The nails are peeling.
Dry brittle hair, and then they also fall out.
Skin wounds heal slowly.
Gums bleed when brushing teeth.

It seems that enough has been said in order to decide to start taking vitamins.

It is better to choose a multivitamin complex enriched with mineral elements. Vitamins are not drugs. They are taken only for preventive purposes.

Who needs them first of all? I would like to say - to everyone who wishes to have good health.But, nevertheless, first of all, for those who are daily exposed to great overloads, both physical and mental, as well as children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women.

What vitamins are good for drinking in the spring
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