
How to deal with unnecessary things in your wardrobe

Stylists and fashion bloggers teach us through websites and personal blogs to throw out unnecessary things from our wardrobe. Someone recommends throwing away things that you have not put on in one year, other "experts", more economical, suggest getting rid of things that have been idle for 2-3 years.

If things are actually worn out and worthless, they can of course be thrown away in order to make room for new beautiful things. But if things are good and of high quality? Many people have beautiful things that lie for years and do not wear them for various reasons.

Sometimes we do not have enough accessories to create an image, in other cases, the volume of the figure has changed, and sometimes the thing absolutely does not fit into fashion trends or lifestyle.

There can be only two reasons for getting rid of such things. First, your apartment is so small that there is absolutely not enough space, and you are simply forced to leave the best and most necessary. The second reason is that you are a mismanaged and wasteful person.

Stylist tips and vintage items

From my own experience, I know that over time you can regret the things thrown away. I have a large apartment, you can even have a home bear, and he will feel at ease. Despite the many wardrobes, I felt like taking a wardrobe inventory and throwing out a lot.

These thoughts came to me after conversations with many stylists. As a result, a lot of things went to the trash cans. A little time passed, and more than once I had to catch myself thinking - but this thing could come in handy now, and the mink coat was not new, but it would be good for making crafts and clothes for dolls. Now I can enumerate the use of such things endlessly and I regret that I listened to the advice of stylists.

Throwing away an item is much easier than purchasing it. And most importantly, let's remember vintage things. More and more fashionistas are looking for vintage items in various stores and online auctions, paying money for them and wearing them with pleasure.

Many vintage items have changed more than one owner, despite this they remain necessary and desirable. I wonder how all these things would have come down to us if everyone was guided by the principle that modern stylists impose on us?

Therefore, before throwing out the dress or a bag, think, maybe in 20 years, your daughter or granddaughter will look for such things in vintage stores and pay money for them.

Wardrobe analysis and vintage items in our closet
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