Hair care

Castor oil for hair

For the first time I learned about castor oil when I was 15 years old - one lady over 50 told ... Then there were so few opportunities to learn, and even to apply on myself, that now it is difficult to imagine. Therefore, they learned everything mainly from people of the older generation and from the magazines Rabotnitsa and Krestyanka. So I had to learn about castor oil from such a magazine, which talked about its miraculous effect on hair, eyelashes, eyebrows. Now I can say that every woman should have castor oil, because using it, I was convinced of its wonderful properties from my own experience.

Castor oil

If you use castor oil regularly, the results will not slow down ...
Castor oil will help improve the condition of your hair... Hair will become strong, thick, there will be no dandruff - that's for sure.

The easiest way to use castor oil is to rub some of the oil into your palms and apply it to your hair, as if stroking your hair or brushing your hair with your fingers. If you apply this procedure before washing your hair once a week, then in a month you will already be admiring your hair.

In what there is some difficulty - this is that you need to be with the mask for about an hour or two. It is advisable to cover the hair with a plastic wrap (bag), and on top with a light kerchief, preferably made of cotton. The heat generated by this improves blood circulation, and this also stimulates hair growth. Then wash off your hair using shampoo.

You can make a slightly different mask - pour kefir into a cup and add 5-7 drops of castor oil to it. Then use the same as in the first case, but you can keep this mask a little less - 30 minutes.

Castor oil for both eyelashes and eyebrows doctor and beautician. Several times a week (you can every other day) lubricate eyelashes and eyebrows with castor oil. This can be done with a special brush, but so that the oil does not get into the eyes. After 30 minutes, close your eyes and blot gently with a paper towel. Eyelashes will not only grow better, but they will become fluffy, and the look will be more expressive.

Castor oil will help the skin as well. A light facial massage with warmed castor oil is very effective. What are the results? This massage removes fine wrinkles. And besides that, if the skin is peeling and becomes dry, a mask based on egg yolk and a few drops of castor oil will help you. It is enough to keep such a mask for 15 minutes, then rinse and rub your face with an infusion of chamomile or green tea. If you have patience, you will see how much better your skin has become in a month. At the same time, very little oil is required. But since any oil quickly clogs pores, you will need to peel at least once a week.

Castor oil for hand and foot skin care. If you are a young girl, it is enough for you to use castor oil for the skin of your hands while you are taking care of your hair. If you are a little older, try to do this more often. You can lubricate your hands and feet at night, you can wear socks on your feet, and thin gloves on your hands. But not everyone likes it - then try to lubricate both hands and feet more often, but with a little oil, and when you are just resting. The skin will be soft and velvety.

They say that castor oil will help you lose weight too? This is not entirely true. Castor oil is a laxative and helps mainly to cleanse the intestines.

There are also such tips for using castor oil as lubricating various age spots, moles and warts. In this case, there is only one piece of advice - see a doctor first.

Castor oil

Castor oil origin and production technology.
Castor oil is a castor bean oil.In Russia, this plant is grown as an annual, and in tropical or subtropical countries as an evergreen shrub or even a tree that can reach 12 meters in height. The leaves of this plant are very beautiful - finger-like, jagged at the edges, they form a dense crown. They can often be seen in our southern regions in front gardens, near houses. The plant is impressive and highly decorative. It blooms in small flowers, collected in racemose inflorescences. The seeds are large, resemble beans, which, in addition to oil, also contain a toxic substance - ricin. Castor oil is obtained from seeds by cold or hot pressing.

Castor oil

Additional recipes based on castor oil.

Anti-dandruff oil
Brew a glass of strong tea, add after a while a teaspoon of castor oil and 20 grams of vodka.
Rub your hair with this composition an hour before washing your hair. Depending on the length of the hair, the number of components can be reduced in appropriate proportions.

Eyebrow & Eyelash Oil
Mix castor oil with fish oil 1: 1. The effectiveness of this mixture will be much higher than with castor oil alone.

Hair strengthening oil
Castor oil and onion juice (2 tablespoons each) are mixed and rubbed into the hair roots before shampooing for 30-40 minutes.

Hair loss oil
Mix castor oil, lemon juice and alcohol (all in equal proportions). Store in a cool, dark place. Use before shampooing, rubbing in this mixture for a longer time (5-7 hours). Helps with incipient baldness.

The following composition also helps: 1 tbsp. spoon of onion juice, 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil. Rub the mixture into the scalp one hour before washing.

Other oils can be mixed with castor oil in equal proportions, such as olive oil, almond oil, and used as above.

Every woman wants to be both younger and more beautiful. And for this he tries to buy expensive face and body creams, regularly visit beauty salons, and even go for plastic surgery.
But nature is wise, and she has taken care of us for a long time. You just have to use it wisely for yourself and with gratitude to nature.

Castor Oil for Magazine. Additionally, you can read similar publications - hair masks, beautiful hair at home and hair ornaments.

Castor oil

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Castor oil for hair.

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