When choosing a jewelry box, do not skimp, buy the most expensive one you can afford. A beautiful and high-quality jewelry box will serve you all your life, and itself will become an interior decoration.
There are many options, it all depends on your financial capabilities and desires.
1. The simplest boxes are made of thick cardboard and decorated with various prints and embossing.
2. Caskets with elements of cardboard, MDF, textiles and leatherette are more durable, but they show that they are cheap and generally available, and therefore cannot be called interior decoration.
3. MDF boxes in the form of miniature cabinets and dressers, chests and secretaries sometimes turn out to be of very high quality and beautiful.
4. Caskets made of solid pine, beech and oak, stained and varnished, can serve for many years and will be inherited by our descendants with careful handling.
5. Boxes made of mahogany and other valuable wood species are a real decoration of the interior.
6. Caskets made of different types of wood, decorated with carvings, silver inlays with enamels and plates made of mammoth and elephant bones are the most luxurious and can decorate the most refined interior.
7. In addition to wooden caskets, there are modern and antique items made from particularly valuable materials. Caskets made entirely of carved plates of walrus and mammoth bones, silver boxes with inserts of rock crystal crystals and other stones. These boxes are very beautiful and expensive, but they are often small in size and hold very little jewelry.
8. Caskets made of natural stone sometimes turn out to be very beautiful and at the same time have an affordable price, only they are heavy and have one compartment, where all the jewelry will be in bulk.
When buying a new box, it is best to opt for solid pine, oak and beech products. Such boxes turn out to be very beautiful, durable, and at the same time, they have affordable prices even for large sizes. Also, they have different compartments for all kinds of jewelry.
mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ chose the best jewelry boxes at affordable prices. Each of these boxes will allow you to keep your jewelry safe and sound, all items will have their place, so they will not scratch and rub each other.
Originally, jewelry boxes appeared in Babylon, Ancient egypt and China, there thousands of years ago caskets were made of wood, richly decorated with carvings and precious stones. In Russia, boxes also appeared from time immemorial. Each house had caskets, caskets and chests, only their design was different. The princes could afford rich caskets and chests, while the common people had simple things.
When choosing a new box, one must take into account an important point - where the treasure will be located. If you have a lot of expensive jewelry, it is best to hide the box in a safe, where no one will see it. And if the box contains various beads and necklaces made of turquoise, malachite, coral and silverware, the box can be placed in a prominent place, and then it is important that it matches the style with other interior items.
An important point is the presence of a small lock, it will not save you from real criminals, but a “girlfriend” or some guests will not be able to get into your favorite casket.