Fashion history

Giorgio Armani clothing designer

Giorgio Armani created the first collection that brought him success at the age of 40. This happened in 1974, and the show of the collection was a great success. And nowadays the Armani company is one of the most successful in the fashion world, and not only, it is a trendsetter.

Giorgio Armani clothing designer

Young Armani did not expect that some time would pass and he would rise to the pinnacle of success. Moreover, he did not even intend to become a designer. Everything turned out somehow by itself. And it all started like this: Armani intended to become a doctor and devote his life to medicine. However, after two years of study at the Faculty of Medicine, Armani realized that this career was not for him, and he would have to leave medicine, as he felt sick at the sight of blood. He goes to serve in the army, hoping for this time to decide everything and think about his future fate.

After returning from military service, Armani got a job in a fairly large department store, where he decorated windows, helped photographers and designers, and was engaged in purchases for the store. It was here that he felt, as it were, in his place. And subsequently, all this experience, all the acquired knowledge helped him not only to create, but also to keep in his hands a corporation, which in America alone has an annual turnover of about a billion dollars.

Giorgio Armani clothing designer

Armani worked hard from morning to evening. Perhaps even then he was thinking about his own business, about the fact that creative work is undoubtedly within his power. But still hesitated. One day, Nino Cerruti, who by that time had a strong position in the fashion world, invited Armani to take part in the development of menswear models for the Hitman brand. A creative work appeared that lasted almost ten years. During this time, Armani sews and cuts men's clothing. He learned to distinguish elegant things from cheap consumer goods, to choose high-quality and luxurious fabrics. He tried to understand when and how some things are declared obsolete and go out of fashion, - according to what laws this happens. Then, he works as a stylist for such celebrities as Emmanuel Ungaro and Ermenegillo Zena. After such an internship, Armani felt that he knew everything a fashion designer needed to know. And only, approaching forty years, he decided to open his own business.
In 1974 he launched his first men's collection on the catwalk. And then Armani was honored to be on the cover of Time magazine. He was the second designer after Christian Diorwho succeeded.

Giorgio Armani

1975 - the first collection of women's clothing (pret-a-porter). And his triumphal march begins. Armani dared to give up frills and bows at a time when he was just at the beginning of his journey. His main principle of creativity is absolute minimalism. Armani, as a designer, was able to see the time of changes in the lives of women who aspired to a successful career in the administrative field, where there was a need for a business suit - free and at the same time elegant, which could replace the classic dark gray. The collection was famous for the appearance of a blazer in women's clothing, very similar to men's. Women wanted to look attractive, and Armani helped them with that. He reshaped the man's jacket into a woman's, where he emphasized the waist, put the top button just below, put on a translucent blouse, and all this began to diverge at a staggering speed.
Armani took advantage of the knowledge and experience he gained while working in a department store, where he learned to see the best quality fabrics and things.

Giorgio Armani clothes can be called exclusive and stylish. She is popular for both men and women. The company produces not only clothes, but also shoes, haberdashery, watches, jewelry and various accessories.

The popularity of a company depends a lot on the names of its admirers.And here we can name Julia Roberts, Jody Foster, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, George Clooney, Richard Gere, Mel Gibson. It is known that movie celebrities who are loved and revered by viewers are the best advertising for designers. They try to imitate them in everything and in particular in clothing. And Armani clothes are as admiring as those who wear them. Armani owes his success not only to those who wear his clothes, who recognized him as their fashion designer, but also to his perseverance and hard work in achieving this goal.

Giorgio armani

The perfume line is also famous, created in cooperation with the perfume company L'Oreal, which produces perfumes and eau de toilette. The fresh and light fragrance "Aqua de Gio" quickly gained popularity.

Armani clothing is designed for different needs: Giorgio Armani - high fashion or haute couture clothing; Armani Collezioni - ready-to-wear, which consists of hand-knitted sweaters and similar bodycon suits; Emporio Armani - Italian style clothing; Armani Exchange - clothing for mass consumption; Armani Junior - clothing for youth; Armani Neve (Snow) - Sportswear and many other clothing lines.

All these lines differ in price, but they have one thing in common - the unique chic Armani style.

Wearing Armani clothes, you will feel successful, confident, reliable and stable. The highest quality of cut and tailoring leads to the fact that clothes from Armani create for you a constant feeling of a holiday, even on an ordinary weekday.

- There are more than a dozen styles under the name of Armani.

- At the annual Oscar ceremony, the stars give preference to outfits from Armani.

- Armani is the creative director and chairman of the board of his own Fashion House.

- A line of cosmetics and perfumery has been patented in his name.

–By world sales Giorgio Armani ranks second (turnover of $ 2 billion per year).

–The Armani brand is successfully sold in over 100 countries.

–In 2006, Armani designed the standard-bearer uniforms at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy.

- For the 25th anniversary of his Fashion House, Armani presented himself a gift - a store in the center of Milan: 2000 square meters, which houses three boutiques, a flower shop, a bookstore, a cafe, a sushi restaurant. Armani spent "only" $ 62.5 million

What is Armani's secret? His collections are always modern.
How does this happen? His collections do not go against new fashion trends, but they do not follow them either. Rather, Armani sets the tone for something new in fashion, avoiding diktat. He does not change his ideas about fashion. For him, the most important criteria are elegance and practicality.

Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani fashion designer for Magazine

Giorgio Armani

Giorgio armani

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