Every girl wants to be beautiful, desirable and happy, and hair is of great importance in this matter. If the hair is not in order, it is very doubtful to look beautiful. Therefore, hair must be protected, looked after in the right way and decorated by creating original hairstyles, using various hair ornaments - hairpins, elastic bands, headbands, tiaras, combs, fabric flowers and, of course, the most affordable decoration can be braided hairstyles. Yes, braids can be a good decoration and addition to creating an image. In childhood, many of us did not like braids, and even now remember the process of combing hair and braiding braids not with the best emotions. True, if you keep your hair in perfect order, braiding will not give you unpleasant sensations and emotions, but on the contrary, it will please you very much with the result, which can be seen very quickly in the mirror.
Hair decoration, braid hairstyles.
Why are pigtails the most affordable piece of jewelry? Yes, all because to create the simplest braids we need a little time and desire, and if everything is done correctly, the effect will be wonderful. Of course, not all types of braid hairstyles can be done at home on your own. There are braids hairstyles that require a long professional work of a master in a beauty salon and, accordingly, the cost of creating such braids can be much higher than the cost of a beautiful original hair clip. For example, African braids, depending on the length of your hair and the salon where you go, can cost $ 100-130 for shoulder-length hair. And if the hair is longer, then the price will be higher, and besides, the price depends on the salon, the master. In addition to African braids, there are also different variations - for example, French braids, they also belong to the African style, are woven from the scalp itself with the constant addition of new strands. You can braid French braids even with very short hair, from 10-15 centimeters. If you don't have enough hair, you can add kanekalon. And then there are Senegalese braids, they are very similar to African ones, but they are braided from two strands of hair, and not from three as in the case of African ones, so they are less practical and the hairstyle lasts less time.
African braids and other similar ones require, in addition to significant financial costs, a lot of time. If there is no time, and you really want to get pigtails in a few hours, then the fastest solution would be to use braids - zizi. These are ready-made braids 3 mm thick. Zizi is woven into her own hair, perfect for medium hair. Depending on the material chosen, zizi braids can be straight, corrugated, spiral, twisted. A hairstyle using zizi braids will be very similar to classic afro braids, only the braids will be of small thickness.
Therefore, the choice of braid hairstyles is huge, even with short hair, you can come up with hairstyles using additional strands of hair, fake braids, jewelry, ribbons and flowers. And to create the simplest braids, you only need hairpins, invisibility and a girlfriend who wants to help.
Hair decoration, braid hairstyles for mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ Magazine