Hair care

How to choose the right hair color

On the Russian Internet, there are more and more high-quality stand-alone blogs that are regularly updated and maintained by knowledgeable authors, or small teams. This is very pleasing, because all these blogs in LiveJournal, or entertainment blogs, the content of which is often made up of pictures, videos with primitive jokes and gags are already tired. I would like to have in my subscription really high-quality - useful blogs, and on the basis of their advice to make a choice, make decisions.

How to choose the right hair color

In the field of fashion and beauty, such blogs are very important because glossy magazines have no feedback. And after reading an interesting publication on the blog, we can, if desired, ask the author a question, ask for advice, advice. For example, many of us are interested in the topic of hair care, but in reality there are no familiar specialists who can give the right advice, help make a decision on how to choose the right hair color. Meanwhile, the choice of hair color, hair dye is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Of course, if you are a lover of experiments and are not afraid to get a hair color that is not at all the one you expected when buying a paint, then there is no worries - experiment. Get new colors, choose the right makeup, you might find the perfect image that you won't want to part with. True, it is worth considering one point - each dyeing, to one degree or another, damages our hair. The damage caused to hair by dye depends on many factors and in some cases can be very strong. More recently, one friend wanted to become a platinum blonde, to become as fast as possible, that's how she wanted it. I dyed myself with the help of a friend, the color I got was not at all the one I wanted, and on top of everything, the next day, when I woke up, I found almost a third of my hair on the pillow, this is how her hair reacted to turning into a platinum blonde.

How to choose the right hair color

Therefore, if your hair is dear to you and you want to be guaranteed to get a certain hair color, then you need to take into account many points that not every master can foresee.

The fact is that hair is not all the same in structure and condition, and, accordingly, their interaction with hair dye may be different. What will be our final color after dyeing depends on many factors - the porosity of the hair, how well it absorbs and retains the dye, whether they were dyed before, how healthy and how they will react to this particular dye. As a result, the color is not the same for everyone with the initially the same hair color and the same paint. To have the most predictable result, you need to have completely healthy hair. Professional hair masks and the simplest hair care products available, such as hair masks based on castor, olive and other oils, will help with this. Just before using, you need to consult with good specialists, because even such simple procedures as a hair mask made from castor oil or egg yolk in some cases will be unhealthy for the scalp and, accordingly, our hair. The conclusions from this are that you need to read blogs about beauty, but make the final decisions, taking into account a combination of factors - the knowledge gained from blogs, the opinion of experts with whom you can consult in real life, and of course your own intuition.

How to choose the right hair color

How to choose the right hair color for Magazine

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How to choose the right hair color interesting video on the topic ...

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