Ideas for creating a luxurious and unique cosplay

Fashion can be perceived in different ways, for some it is a serious business, but for most it is a means of self-expression and an exciting game, because with the help of fashion we can make life brighter and more interesting.

If this is not enough, you can go even further and do cosplay. "Costumed play" - this is the translation of the English-language term cosplay (Costumed Play) invented in Japan. Many people tend to refer to cosplay as a masquerade ball. Others believe that such a comparison is akin to the idea that anime is Japanese cartoons and manga is children's comics.

The secret to creating the perfect cosplay

Fundamental disputes on this score, it seems, will never end, but there is a definition given by the founders of the genre. It is obvious, but each in turn tries to formulate it in a more convenient and understandable form.

Cosplay is a kind of "theater" of characters from anime, manga, Japanese video games, as well as historical Japanese costumes (kimono, samurai armor, etc.). In other words, the traditional definition of cosplay implies exclusively Japanese surroundings.

Truly passionate cosplayers say that when creating an image, you have to prove that you - and only you play your character the best, you are him! This statement sounds categorical, but they see in it the main essence of the passion for cosplay. They want to match their character as much as possible from Japanese cartoons and drawings.

I am surprised by this approach to such a creative business. If you want to reincarnate into a different image, why limit yourself so? Perhaps this is why most of the costumes are disappointing.

Cosplay princess

I love cosplay, but not the way most real cosplayers see it. I prefer to mix expensive clothes in different styles, using natural fur, python skin, accessories with metal spikes, black lace, ruffles and various jewelry in a suitable style.

The make-up and hairstyle complete the work on themselves. This is often enough to create the look of a fantasy princess and even a dark Halloween queen.

If this does not seem enough, you can crown your head with a real crown, but not with plastic and not made of papier-mâché. Do not skimp, buy a crown from Dolce & Gabbana or another brass crown with real Swarovski rhinestones, only then will she look like a decoration of a princess, and not a buffoon's headdress.

Cosplay princess
Dolce & gabbana

It is better to look expensive and luxurious than to resemble loser clowns and animators. Therefore, inspiration for the best cosplay should be sought not in Japanese cartoons, but in the fashion world, in good cinema and, of course, in real art.

This is the best path for those who do not have independent sources of inspiration in their own world, because truly creative people create their own characters. This is how works of art are born, which are then used to make films and create computer games.

The secret to creating the perfect cosplay

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