Beautiful dresses

Wedding hijab and muslim brides does not pretend to be a spiritual mentor and does not undertake to assert the norms of the correctness or incorrectness of the hijab. We have talked about this many times, but in fact, strict adherence to the rules in clothing does not bring anyone closer to holiness. Therefore, one should not judge strictly and draw conclusions - how much the presented photos correspond Sharia law.

In the modern world, no one can claim an ideal life in holiness, therefore, do not judge others for their desire not to hide beauty under the hijab, but to turn the hijab into an adornment. If people are deprived of the beauty and joys of life, almost everyone will become discouraged.

Significant righteousness, when a person observes all the rituals and flaunts his "perfection", always multiplies pride, which is a fundamental sin. Therefore, be tolerant, not everyone wants to wrap themselves up in black fabrics in order to hide their beauty. Clothing can be an ornament in itself, especially on special days such as a wedding.

Wedding dresses hijabs for the bride

Wedding dresses hijabs for the bride

It is quite enough if the wedding hijab covers the entire body with an opaque fabric, including the neck and forearms, and does not tightly fit the figure. At the same time, the outfit can contain transparent and translucent fabrics, the main thing is that under them there is a base fabric that does not let curious glances under the garments.

The color of the wedding hijab does not have to be white, red and other colors are allowed. If you love beautiful fabrics and jewelry exclusively for yourself, you like beauty in itself, there is nothing wrong with that - God created people for joy and bliss, surrounding them with beauty.

The main thing is not to use your natural beauty and luxurious outfits to seduce men and exalt others. If you can simply enjoy beauty without the desire to show off, and most importantly, you do not attach to beauty with all your heart, there is no sin.

Giving up beauty does not make us holy. Try not to judge anyone, not to be envious, or to be proud of fasting and other achievements. In general, you must first of all make demands on yourself, and only then tell others how luxurious clothes they have the right to wear.

Muslim wedding dress
Muslim wedding dress
Wedding hijab and muslim brides

Muslim wedding dress
Wedding dresses hijabs for the bride
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