The modeling business in Europe and the United States has long turned towards models with dubious looks, and with the advent of Instagram, models with non-standard looks have grown even more. Now, looking at fashion shows, less and less often you come across beautiful models whom you want to see again and again. Why is the fashion world abandoning real beauty, replacing it with the "beauty" of the new era?
There are several reasons for the appearance of ugly and even ugly models on the catwalk. Let's try to figure it out and understand how long the celebration of this zoo will last ...
It seems that to design the publication under the heading - the ugliest models in the world, you should choose photos of dubious models from recent seasons, but does not want to offend anyone and get personal. In addition, why look at the wretched models that can now be seen everywhere, let's better look and remember the real beauties from the recent past and think about what we are losing ...
1. It is believed that people are tired of models with perfect proportions and correct doll faces, so new types of girls and men are required. In fact, normal people cannot get tired of beauty, only a jaded fashionable audience craves crazy experiments in order to get new impressions, filling their spiritual emptiness.
2. In addition, there is an opinion that now ugly models help to sell better, because they are so similar to the most ordinary people. There is some truth in this, but on the other hand, people tend to strive for the ideal and imitate the beautiful and successful.
3. Models with non-standard appearance who do not stand out from the gray faceless crowd can be paid much less, and this is very important for business. Now the whole world is going through a crisis era, so you have to save on everything. Why pay big fees to a supermodel when you can hire dozens of faceless models with that money.
Linda Evangelista is the perfect model
If you remember history, you can see how much the standards of beauty have changed, before the changes took place gradually, now fashion trends are very fleeting. Everything takes place in this world, whole cities and countries are erased, the hobby for non-standard models will also pass, and their photographs and covers will find their rightful place in the garbage can and in textbooks on the history of fashion.
Let's hope that the fashion world and people will soon miss real beauty and then beautiful top models and supermodels will reign on the catwalk again. In the meantime, you have to put up with the dominance of ugly models, fat women, transgender people, crazy old women and some kind of mutants.