
Choosing an ankle bracelet made of gold and other materials

With the help of beautiful clothes and jewelry, women have always emphasized their financial position and social status, so it is difficult to determine when the first anklets appeared. But already in the ancient Sumerian state, long before our era, women wore gold and silver bracelets on their legs.

Little has survived to this day, but it is clear from the finds that then gold jewelry could only be worn by the rich and noble women... Today any girl can afford gold jewelry, the main thing is to want it. Ankle bracelets are one of the most original and relevant jewelry in the warm season. A gold or silver bracelet can be worn with heels, moccasins and slip-ons, or no shoes at all on the beach.

How to choose and buy a bracelet on the leg profitably

How to choose and where to buy an ankle bracelet?

There are actually many options, it all depends on your desires, capabilities and style. You can buy ankle bracelets made of silver, gold or platinum, or you can limit yourself to products from more affordable metals that our Asian friends on aliexpress sell in abundance. If you want a truly unique product, you should make a bracelet yourself or order it from a master.

1. There are a lot of ready-made items in jewelry stores, there are also anklets, but it is not always possible to find a suitable one that will appeal to you in terms of design. Most stores offer thin bracelets weighing 3-5 grams. These bracelets are universal and will suit any girl, but sometimes you want something more.

2. Gold bracelet on the leg under the order. If you want a bracelet of more impressive volumes and weight, you should go to buyouts and pawnshops, where you can buy thick gold chains. Today, such chains are not in vogue, therefore, thick gold chains are sold at the price of scrap gold or slightly higher.

You need to find a pawnshop or jeweler who will agree to cut off the required piece of chain. From my own experience, I know that it is not difficult at all. Thick chains are willingly cut into pieces and put on bracelets, because selling a chain as a whole is not easy at all.

Next, a lock is soldered to this chain, and then the whole product is polished. As a result, you get a gold bracelet on your leg at a price slightly higher than the scrap price. As of today (summer 2024) it will be approximately 1500-1700 per gram of 585 gold.

3. Silver bracelets can be purchased in the same way - buy ready-made products in a store or find silver chains in a buyout and convert them into bracelets.

4. Unique handicrafts can be purchased at the Crafts Fair, where you can find incredibly beautiful and fancy products that will make you an elf queen or a goddess of unearthly origin.

Bracelets on the leg

How to wear ankle bracelets?

There are two main types of bracelets on the leg: the first type is chain bracelets, the second type is rigid bracelets made of a solid plate of silver or gold. Regardless of the type of bracelet, you will not want to hide it, therefore, such jewelry is worn with shorts, leggings, cropped skinny jeans and, of course, skirts and dresses, the main thing is that they do not cover the jewelry.

A gold ankle chain can even be combined with a business style, and if you buy two identical gold bracelets, you can create unusual looks, where gold bracelets will be like an addition to your shoes.

In conclusion, it is important to remind you that the ankle bracelet is very original. summer decoration that can make our image more feminine and seductive, or vice versa, ruin everything. It all depends on how well the decoration is chosen. In addition, you should know that in some countries certain types of anklets on the leg have their own meaning, and it even matters which leg is worn on the right or left ...

Bracelets on the leg
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