Considering current fashion collections, it should be noted that the military style on the catwalk occupies one of the important positions. Only this time, in addition to the uniforms of different types of troops, the designers give special preference to the hussar uniform. Apparently, the time has come for us to remember the hussar uniform. What was he like? has already talked about one of the original garments that were part of the hussar uniform - Hungarian, or as it was also called - dolman. The form of hussars in Russia has undergone changes many times since the 18th century. But at the same time, everyone liked it.
Young people, having determined their path in the military field, never remained indifferent to what kind of uniform they would have to wear. And the beauty of the uniform attracted no less than the military service itself. And about women, to be sure, at the sight of the hussar regiments passing through the streets of cities, their hearts fluttered, and exclamations of delight and admiration burst from their chest. By the way, when Russian troops entered Paris in 1814, it was the same with the French women.
Dolce & gabbana
The hussar uniform included a dolman (short jacket with a standing collar), a mentik - also a jacket worn over a dolman and trimmed with fur around the edges, narrow leggings (chikchirs), low boots, cords, laces, fringes, tassels. About 15 transverse rows of double cords with rows of convex buttons were sewn on the chest of the dolman and the mentic. If we add to everything that the uniform of the hussars was unusually bright, there were at least three or four colors in it, then the sight during the movement of the hussar troops was amazing.
And yet we will not now study in detail all the subjects of the hussar uniform, everything has its time. Let's just note that many designers expressed their admiration for this form in the fall-winter 2024-2025 collections. shares with them the admiration for the beauty of the hussar uniform.
Dolce & gabbana
However, it should be noted that the hussar uniform comes from Hungarian clothing, from where many of its elements came to the military uniforms of all European countries. Therefore, during the show, music from the "Hungarian Rhapsody" should have been played on the podium, or the models had to march to the dashing hussar songs. But, as you know, this did not happen, because the beauty of the music and singing of the performers are not pampered at the shows, so I had to listen to what happened, or simply ignore it.
But the models with elements of Hungarian costumes were extremely pleasing. Some collections decided only to decorate with a cord and buttons, but it still turned out to be unusually beautiful. And now you have the opportunity to look and choose, and maybe create your own new options with elements of the hussar uniform.