Bow sklavage and velvet ribbons collars on the neck
Many of us do not know what a bow-sklavage or feronniere, egret or clasp, etc. is. But if you're into vintage neck jewelry that can add a romantic touch to your look, let's take a look at some of them. Let's start with a decoration called a bow-sklavage.
Sklavage is an adornment that tightly fits the neck, which was originally made from pearl threads, ribbons or chains. This jewelry got its name from the French word "esclavage", which means "collar or collar of a slave."
Initially, the sklawage consisted of several rows of chains tightly adjacent to each other and forming a ribbon, which was often the basis for precious stones or other decorative elements. The base could also be made of fabric.

Ribbons, lace or velvet, most often black, were complemented by a bow with a precious stone or a brooch, then this decoration was called bow-sklavage. Bow sklavage can be attributed to one of the
varieties of broochesattached to a necklace or lace, silk, and velvet ribbon.
This decoration was especially popular in the 18th century, in Russia - during the time of Elizabeth and Catherine II. Initially, it had the shape of a bow or a butterfly, then pendants of various shapes, more often oval, attached to a velvet ribbon, began to appear. Therefore, they began to be called "velvet", such ornaments can be seen on female portraits of the mid-18th century.
The magnificent bow-sklavage of Catherine II is kept in
Diamond Fund Russia. Velvet, or velvet ribbon, can be supplemented with a pendant in the form of a drop. A black velvet ribbon with a ruby or garnet pendant will look especially impressive. Not only jewelry adorned delicate women's necks, but there were also simple velvet shoes with beaded bows.
Ladies wore this jewelry high around their necks, along with earrings or pendants, in the design of which the bow motif was repeated. Often bow sklavage was combined with several long strands of pearls. Bow-sklawage was decorated with precious stones, diamonds and red spinel were especially loved.
A black velvet ribbon with a pendant will only fit the one with a beautiful swan neck. The English Queen Alexandra, sister of the Russian Empress Maria Feodorovna, adorned her snow-white neck not only with precious necklaces or choker, sometimes she wore a wide black velvet ribbon. The ribbon, fastened with a beautiful precious brooch, favorably emphasized the beauty and whiteness of the queen's neck.
A velvet ribbon, or simply velvet, has become a favorite adornment of aristocrats, and for more than one decade has adorned the graceful and snow-white necks of beauties.
Bow-sklavage emphasizes femininity, makes the image gentle, elegant and romantic. This jewelry will certainly become the most attractive and noticeable element in your look.
Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi
Jill stuart
Lanvin, Prada
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Photo above and below - Dolce & Gabbana