The crow in superstition and fashion photography
Artists, designers and other creative people draw inspiration from a variety of sources, from the public, to the secret and intimate. Today we will turn our gaze towards the birds, namely the crows. These wise birds have long been associated with sacred knowledge and otherworldly forces.
The raven and the crow are different birds, but this is rarely given importance, so will not make a clear distinction.
The raven in many cultures and traditions symbolized death, and was often a faithful companion of dark goddesses. But not only the ancient goddesses used ravens, even now some witches and shamans have a tamed raven that helps them in performing rituals.
In Russia, there has long been a belief that the spirit of a witch can take the form of a raven and in this guise can spy and harm people. Therefore, in Russian superstitions, not only the cry of this bird, but the very appearance of the raven portends death or misfortune.
In medieval Europe the attitude towards crows was no better - the bird was a herald of bad news and a companion of death. It was believed that the raven gives witches the ability to clairvoyance, can suggest the right decisions, endows with cunning and intelligence.
In the modern world, almost no one seriously believes in the ancient superstitions associated with crows, but dark mystical associations associated with crows are firmly entrenched in the consciousness and subconsciousness of people.
Here is such a difficult bird of a crow - on the one hand, crows are associated with war, death, desolation, evil and misfortune, on the other hand, the raven is a symbol of wisdom and justice.
If you are looking for a dark look, the crow can be a source of inspiration. You can use the image of a crow in the form of a print or embroidery, you can decorate accessories with the feathers of a real crow, and if you really want to, you can use a real live crow for a photo shoot.
The crow is especially useful for
photo sessions in mystical and gothic style... Ravens are considered symbols of chaos and darkness that preceded the light of creation. And the crow is a mean bird, it always strives to bite in the eye, so be careful during the photo shoot ...