Beautiful dresses

Modest Black Dresses by Marchesa

From time to time I have to face the task when I need to find a dress made of natural fabrics, with rich decor, but without unnecessary seduction. In general, a luxurious, rich and at the same time modest black dress. At first glance, this seems simple, but in reality, everything is much more complicated. Try to buy a modest black dress from Marchesa.

Modest dresses from Marchesa seem like something out of the realm of fairy tales, because Marchesa designers show incredibly seductive sheer outfits in each collection with plunging necklines and various cutouts that are best suited to celebrities.

Celebrities love these dresses and can wear them with confidence. But what about simple girls who want to join the beautiful dresses from Marchesa, but do not want to open too much for prying eyes? If you set a goal, can you find a dress at Marchesa that is suitable for Muslim and Orthodox girls?

Modest Black Dresses by Marchesa

Muslim women who fully respect Sharia law should forget about Marchesa. Even the most modest black dresses of this brand are suitable only for girls who are free from strict rules and religious beliefs.

In collections Marchesa almost all dresses have a flashy seduction. Designers do not take into account the desires of modest girls at all, and in each collection they offer exclusively outfits for celebrities who want to constantly surprise the audience.

I don't know who a naked body can surprise today, but while fashion continues to undress and undress, and Marchesa does not lag behind the leaders of this movement. worked hard to collect just 15 modest black dresses!

Modest Black Dresses by Marchesa

They can be called modest at a stretch, but having studied all the Marchesa collections in recent years, it is unrealistic to find more restrained outfits, screaming seductiveness everywhere. And after that, fashion historians and various journalists talk about the advent of Muslim fashion?

For many years now I have heard frightening statements about the Islamization of fashion, but reality shows the opposite - finding a modest black dress from a well-known brand is not an easy task!

15 modest black dresses from Marchesa

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