Iolite - properties of violet stone and jewelry with iolite

Iolite, or violet stone. The name of the stone is directly related to its color. Translated from Greek means - purple stone, or violet stone. Iolite, also known as cordierite, or rather, iolite, is a type of mineral called cordierite.

For the first time the mineral cordierite was investigated and described in the 19th century. French geologist Pierre Louis Antoine Cordier. Usually cordierites are transparent stones, and those that have a deep blue, and even purple color, received a separate name - iolite. Tawny sapphire, water sapphire, blue jade, or dichroite are all about the same stone, iolite.

Sometimes iolite is used as an imitation of sapphire, such a stone stands out for its dark purple or blue color. Therefore, the crystal was named false sapphire. Iolites of a blue or light blue hue are called water sapphires, and stones with a deep blue color are called lynx sapphires. In earlier times, iolite with a translucent texture was called blue jade. There are iolites with a "cat's eye" effect.

Legends have been preserved that iolite was known to the Vikings from ancient times. This is worth believing, because among the deposits of stone, Norway is listed as the country with the largest and highest quality iolites. And the Vikings, thanks to the strong pleochroism of the stone, used it as a compass.

This unique property manifests itself in iolite more clearly than in some other stones, which allowed the Vikings to determine the position of the sun even in strong clouds. Therefore, in Russia it was called the "Varangian stone".

Iolite - properties of violet stone

Its chemical formula (Mg, Fe) 2Al3 [AlSi5O18] tells us that this aluminosilicate contains aluminum, magnesium, iron.

Iolite properties:

hardness 7 - 7.5; density 2.7; glassy to greasy shine; transparent to translucent. Possesses the property of pleochroism, that is, if you look at the faceted iolite from different angles, you can see different colors. For example: along one axis of the crystal - bluish, along the other - yellowish-gray.

In order for the stone to play in all its glory in different shades, it is cut in a special way. The mined iolites usually have inclusions, such as microscopic hematite particles, which give the iolite a reddish tint, while the larger iron ore particles cause the iolite to sparkle. Iolite does not fade in the sun and is not sensitive to heat.

Iolite ring

Iolite - the price of a stone

The price is affordable, but the stone is quite rare. The cost of a stone depends on its deposit. Iolites found in Norway are considered the best; they are transparent purple crystals that can reach a size of 12 cm. Slightly smaller iolites are mined in the Urals.

Stone cut

As already mentioned, iolite can have different shades depending on the angle from which the cut stone is viewed. In order for the stone to be distinguished by its beauty and shimmer with different blue shades, it is faceted in a special way: it is necessary to correctly correlate the optical axes of the stone with the location of the edges.

If a mistake occurs, it will reflect on the beauty of the stone. The crystal can be either almost transparent or dark-colored. In any case, the play of color shades is lost. Correctly cut iolite changes color when exposed to light. Before cutting, the stone is oriented so that the more intense blue color is visible from above.

As you can see, not every master can decide to cut iolite. Transparent iolites are cut in the same way as sapphires or diamonds, some varieties of the mineral, especially those with a "cat's eye" effect, are cut in the form of cabochons.

Iolite ring

Iolite stone deposit

Iolite (cordierite) is mined in Burma, India, Sri Lanka, England, Greenland, USA, Canada, Norway, Finland, Tanzania, Brazil, Madagascar. In Russia, the extraction of iolites began in the middle of the 19th century in the Urals. There are deposits in Karelia, Altai, and the Kola Peninsula.

In 1856, the famous Russian geologist N.I. Koksharov presented to the management a report on the expedition to the Urals, which listed all the finds from the ancient Stone Belt. Iolite was also found among the finds. The largest and best iolites are in Norway, slightly less in the Urals. Quite good crystals are found in Europe, but few.

In Asian countries, the deposits are not rich in high-quality iolites. For example, in the Pamirs there are large acquisitions, but when they are cleaned of defects, the workpiece remains about one centimeter in size.

Small but high quality stones are mined in South Africa and America. In some deposits of Sri Lanka, there are iolites with aventurine effect, which occurs due to the reddish sparkling small inclusions of hematite and goethite.

Iolite ring

Iolite - the magical properties of the stone

The stone possesses magical properties... This, at least, has been believed since antiquity. How I would like it to be so, because the properties that are attributed to him could help a person in many everyday situations. For example, controlling your emotions. Agree how important this is.

How many troubles we sometimes get for ourselves and our loved ones from the fact that we do not know how to control our words and actions, and everything starts with thoughts. And the stone, it turns out, is able to help us. In addition, the stone gives confidence, helps to get out of a depressed psychological state in a difficult situation, instills hope and brings peace of mind.

There are claims that with the help of a stone you can put things in order in your life, resolve conflicts in family relationships, create peace and prosperity. Only, nevertheless, start all the changes from yourself. Let the stone you have acquired lie next to you. Admire its beauty, and try to think positively, then you will find happiness and tranquility.

Jewelry with iolite

The healing properties of iolite

What do lithotherapists say? It turns out that the medicinal properties of iolite have long been known. Since it was said that the stone has an effect on the human psyche, then, consequently, iolite heals nervous diseases, and even mental disorders.

To do this, doctors advise every day to look at the stone for 10 - 15 minutes, observe the play of light and shades in the facets of a wonderful crystal, and they convince you that you will definitely cope with nervous tension.

Iolite will also help with insomnia, just place it at the head of the bed or under your pillow. And here's another property that can attract many to the magic stone - with the help of iolite, you can fight alcohol addiction.

In addition to all that has been said, iolite improves liver function, normalizes the digestive system, and helps the body cleanse. And as a result of all of the above, hair growth improves, the skin becomes elastic and smoothand nails are strong. The stone dulls the pain.

Violet iolite stone in jewelry and bijouterie

The significance of the iolite in astrology

Astrologers keep up with psychics. They assure that iolite is an excellent amulet for each of us; it can become a special amulet for Sagittarius, Taurus, Pisces, Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Astrologers recommend blue and light blue iolites, or water sapphires, to people born under the sign of Water. Iolites with a "cat's eye" effect are suitable for Leo.

Cross with iolite stones

Iolite - a stone for jewelry

When iolite was found in Russia, its finest crystals were immediately sought after by jewelers. However, sailors also preferred to use iolite plates, as in the old days of the Vikings, in order to confidently navigate the vast expanses of the sea, even on a cloudy day.

Even today, modern military aircraft use iolite light filters, which help pilots navigate space in conditions of complete "radio silence" of the Earth.Iolite will help you find the sun not only behind the clouds, but even beyond the horizon.

Iolite of rich blue shades is especially appreciated, a synthetic analogue of iolite, beryllium indialyte, is often used by jewelers, artificial cordierite is also used, which turns blue during the refining process.

Iolite-like stones: benitoite, kyanite, tanzanite

One of the signs of the authenticity of natural iolite is the presence of inclusions - tiny crystals of zircon and apatite, and around these crystals - yellowish pleochroic areas.

Iolite is used to decorate rings, earrings, necklaces. There are also iolite beads. They are decorated with brooches and other jewelry. The violet stone can be called a worthy adornment for every woman.

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