DAKS - brand history and style
In England, there are many respected brands all over the world, because the British style is a special phenomenon in fashion. Each country has those national characteristics that are reflected in the way of life and clothing.
The English style is unique in its own way, it contains such characteristic features of the British as practicality, stiffness, accuracy, restrained demeanor - all this is considered a national feature. The English style is the classic style. It is distinguished by its modesty and conservatism, the presence of high quality and elegance in it is a must.
There is a concept - "English fashion", which is studied in Parisian design schools. And one of the brightest examples of the English style is the well-known DAKS brand. His models belong to the aristocratic category and are intended for wealthy people who strive to look dignified and elegant, noble and sophisticated in any situation.
DAKS is a fashionable English brand founded in 1894 by Simeon Simpson. The brand name is composed of two words: "DAD" and "SLACKS".
His first fashion factory was opened in 1917. And immediately success. Soon his son, Alec Simpson, became his assistant, who, like his father, began to work from an early age. They sewed things of the highest quality, while they were interested in new technologies in sewing clothes. Establishing production, father and son strove to create a big business. Their work was crowned with success, and soon they opened several factories.
In 1930, the owners of the company surprised all customers - they came up with a model of trousers that did not require suspenders, but were kept at the waist by themselves. The popularity of a brand called S Simpson began to grow.
And they wanted to choose the name of their company sonorous and short, easy to remember. There are speculations that the owners composed it by rearranging the letters of the names of two business partners - Alec Simpson "AS" and Dudley Beck "DK". Then we decided to position the name DAKS from "Dad's Slacks".
When Simeon Simpson died, Alec bought the old Geological Museum in Piccadilly in 1936 in order to open his first Simpson Piccadilly department store in this building.
Photos of looks from DAKS collections
In 1950, based on the already extensive experience in tailoring, a new image and style of the company was created, but all in the same classic style and high quality.
In 1956, the company received its first royal guarantor of quality, then the second in 1962 and the third in 1983.
In 1982 a line of fashion accessories was launched.
After its centenary, the company has released a book called "the British Tradition - Simpson a World of Style". Following the closure of Simpson Piccadilly in 2000, the company opened a flagship boutique.
DAKS products are known all over the world, because it has many stores in almost thirty countries. The company has created a men's, women's clothing line, as well as a line of accessories. The brand's products always have a sense of proportion, elegance and sophistication in simplicity, which, in fact, should be in the style of a real gentleman and
true lady.
The company's designers create things with restraint and sophistication inherent in the English style. All products of the brand are of the highest quality, shoes with low heels or flat soles made of genuine leather, accessories, like all other products, are made in a strict and concise form with a classic color palette: black, white, blue, beige, gray and, of course there is also the famous branded cage.
The style of the company has not changed for many years, and from year to year it finds its fans. When there is recognition among the members of the royal family, it is probably not worth listing all the other celebrities - this indicates the high popularity of the brand.The circle of celebrities who prefer the DAKS brand is unusually large. And how could it be otherwise, because the main style of DAKS is classic.
Today, under the DAKS brand, men's and women's clothing is produced. In addition to clothing, the company is engaged in the creation of all kinds of accessories. If you look at DAKS seasonal collections one after another, it becomes clear why
aristocratic England chooses this particular brand of clothing. All DAKS products still look elegant and modern today.
The company employs the best designers. For example, since 2006, Giles Deacon has worked here, who was awarded the British Designer of the Year award that same year. Today, designer Filippo Scuffi strives to preserve the company's tradition, which is based on classics and elegance.