Khaki - what color is it? History of color
"It is an emblem of strength, beauty and an energetic lifestyle."
Khaki is an unsaturated brown-yellow color. Khaki in translation from Sanskrit khak means "dusty". Sanskrit is the literary version of the ancient Indian language, which is the language of the Vedic sciences. In India, Sanskrit is still used as the language of the humanities and cult. In the Farsi language (Persian of the Indo-European group) the same thing - khak - khaki means dirt and dust.
Ralph LaurenIt is often believed that khaki is the color of military uniforms. Yes, it was like that once. And it all started in the middle of the 19th century. When the British General Sir Harry Burnett Leamsden was tasked with forming a scout corps, he realized that things could end in a sad way.
The soldiers of the British army were dressed in white uniforms and in the territory of northwestern India, where hostilities took place, they will be visible, and the scout is required to go unnoticed. Having thought over everything, the English general found a way out - they decided to paint the uniform in the color of the earth of the area. The soldiers' white uniforms were immersed in a brew of curry spices, tea, coffee, gunpowder, mulberry juice and ... mud.
The painted form literally merged with the surrounding area. In addition, on the form and dirt was invisible. I liked the color, and gradually the divisions, one by one, began to switch to the color of dirt. During the Boer War (1899-1902), all British troops participating in the campaign changed into khaki uniforms. After the war, the entire British army was disguised in this uniform.
At the beginning of the First World War, almost all the troops of the world received khaki uniforms. After the end of the war, the khaki color gradually began to be introduced into the style of clothing. Already in the 60s, he penetrated the environment of representatives of bohemia. Andy Warhol, who generally liked to shock everyone, appeared at receptions in khaki clothes.
The khaki color quickly took root in men's collections - the leading fashion houses began to create suits of this shade. In women's clothing, the khaki color settled in the 70s. And since then, it has gained popularity and has become the standard international color of outdoor clothing.
In the 90s of the last century, original models of trousers with wide legs and large pockets appeared. Bill Gates also has a passion for khaki. It was thanks to the head of Microsoft that the popularity of this color took off further.
Since 2002, the khaki color is gradually leaving the military uniform, it is being replaced by a field camouflage uniform, and the ceremonial uniforms are acquiring bright saturated colors. Khaki is now quite appropriate in the business world. You don't have to think about what color accessories to choose in a pair with him. This color is friendly to all shades.
Khaki has become more than just a color. "It is an emblem of strength, beauty and an energetic lifestyle." Once the English general used this color so that his soldiers went unnoticed, but now - in the modern world, the khaki color has become so popular that it will not go unnoticed.
Khaki shades
If it is the color of earth or mud, then, probably, everyone knows that mud differs in color, it all depends on the area. Therefore, the khaki color can have sand, beige, ash, marsh, brown, dirty green, olive, golden, hay, smoky green, brown-gray, brown-yellow shades. Sometimes it is called a protective color, because it has its original purpose in disguise and all its shades, in one way or another, are associated with the ground and vegetation on it.
Khaki color meaning
Although initially military people were dressed in this color, with whom military actions are associated, and therefore not always peaceful, this color does not cause a feeling of aggressiveness, because its shades are so close to the earth, and the earth for all mankind is a natural color, and sometimes it is associated with the concept of a house - garden - homestead. Khaki lovers usually tend not to stand out from the crowd, they tend to be active and take care of the family.
What to wear with khaki
Perhaps the khaki color will seem boring enough to some of you, as well as brown. But in combination with other colors, both of these colors win on their own and make the second color "sound".
Khaki is often used in outerwear, shoes, suits, and leather goods. This color is felt especially at the end of summer, with the arrival of autumn. Khaki goes well with darker autumn colors - red, blue,
fuchsia, turquoise, golden yellow, mustard and even black.
Khaki with pastel shades will make a great combination, but you should carefully consider the shade of your khaki. For example, with pale pink, blue, light green, peach, lilac, light lemon shades, khaki should be with sandy, beige, yellowish or mustard shades. Then the image will be fresh and radiant.
Khaki combined with olive can be very pretty, but in this case, the khaki must be close to brown, otherwise you can become pale. Therefore, the combination of these two colors requires a certain experience and taste.
A great option for khaki with bright and saturated colors, for example, with reds, blues, oranges, purples, burgundy. This combination will always turn out to be interesting and bright, and very practical for every day. In collaboration with such colors, khaki itself can be with any shades.
A khaki suit for many is an unprofitable option.... It can even spoil the complexion, so when choosing things of this color, you should try to choose a brighter and more saturated party for them. However, in accessories, it can be easily combined with a suit of any color. Sets look very elegant, where the clothes contain some one wardrobe item in khaki color, and the printed scarf contains a combination of bright and rich shades with khaki elements.
You can see shades of khaki in ethnic style, military style and safari style.
But in the evening palette as an elegant dress, khaki will not work in any way. In bright and dim artificial light, the khaki color will be lost, no gold jewelry will help. This is a losing option.
Khaki is quite popular for summer, fall and spring. In summer, khaki silk looks great with gold jewelry. In the fall, trousers or a skirt in this color go well with a simple burgundy sweater or dark blue shades. In the spring, when nature wakes up, the first greenery appears, the practical khaki color again finds its place with bright green shades.
Who suits khaki clothes
In order not to look gray and boring, but, on the contrary, bright and stylish, let's see which of us it suits.
Khaki color is suitable for owners of red or golden hair, with a warm skin tone. He will make these girls brighter and more interesting, the choice of swamp and brown-yellow shades is especially preferable.
And if you are a brunette or a brown-haired woman, or maybe an ashy blonde, then ... Then you need to know what color to combine khaki with. It is better for brunettes to combine brighter khakis with other bright shades - burgundy, yellow, purple.
Blondes with ashy or very light hair and pale skin should also choose a bright khaki color and dilute it with accessories of other tones. Often, light blondes get a good image if there is a slight tan. Light skin and blonde hair tend to look gray and dull with khaki.
Additional advice for everyone - both blondes and brunettes. If you have an unhealthy complexion, or a yellowish gray, or maybe tired appearance with
dark circles under the eyes, and the skin is not fresh enough, and even with pigmentation or rosacea, then in the company of khaki color all this will be even more noticeable. In such cases, do not wear even the most fashionable khaki clothes near your face, choose it for the bottom of your clothes - a skirt or trousers.
Khaki can suit everyone, but provided that it is combined with details of another correctly chosen color. The designer has a masterly ability to handle khaki color both in clothes and accessories.
Ralph Lauren... Even elegant things with this color turn out to be an unsurpassed masterpiece.