Belarusian Fashion Week took place in Minsk from 19 to 24 October 2024. It was the third Belarusian fashion week. This time the designers presented their collections for the spring-summer 2024 season. Among the Belarusian designers, whose shows were supposed to take place during the Fashion Week, were announced: BOITSIK, Efremova & Haridovets, TARAKANOVA, RADA-style, Tanya Arzhanova, O. Jen, IVAN AIPLATOV, Fur Garden, LUDMILA LABKOVA, ULIA LATUSHKINA, K Natasha Tsuran and others. There were also guests from Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and even Nigeria.
On the first day of the fashion week, educational seminars for designers were mainly held, for example, the seminar "Building a career and personal branding in fashion" was held. Then the shows began, which went on in succession one after another, starting in the afternoon and until 10-11 pm. In the first half of the day, the Show -room BFW worked, namely an exhibition of designers of clothes, footwear and accessories.
But I'm not talking about fashion. But I mean that fashion is beautiful and convenient. And fashion is also representative, tasty. And once again beautifully, beautifully served, damn it! Only in this way, otherwise it is impossible.
And the Belarusian Fashion Week began in Minsk, namely, according to eyewitnesses, with a delay, namely, with the fact that the Ukrainian designers, whose show took place at 4 pm, either did not have time to arrive, or were delayed at the harsh Belarusian customs. But the audience was not informed of this, and the audience had to wait. And most importantly, it is far from summer in the yard. People cannot be kept waiting, the audience must be entertained. The main thing is the audience! The only way.
Actually, as soon as they do not scold the Belarusian Fashion Week for its organization: photographers complain about poor light, models that toilets work only until 18.00, until the next building is closed, and dry closets, both in that year and this year, are not provided, yes and there is absolutely nowhere to eat here, in the place where the Belarusian Fashion Week takes place. The organizer is blamed for all the troubles, which the sharp-tongued Minsk photographers have already nicknamed the Mistress, they say she only commands, complains about criticism and does nothing.
But I am sure that it’s not her, not only her, but maybe not her. She is trying to somehow and do something, she is one of those butterflies knocked down to the glass, who somehow still try to wiggle their wings as best they can. But sometimes it is better to do nothing, it will be worse. Moreover, one cannot fail to mention that the last week of the Belarusian fashion, unlike the previous ones, is very tight with sponsors. The crisis, after all. And the hated and incorrect name of the past years, Belarusian, was nevertheless replaced with the correct Belarus this year. So the organizers listen to criticism, but to the best of their ability. How they can.
Personally, from the very beginning, I am depressed by the place where the Belarusian Fashion Week takes place. Just think, this is Belexpo at 27 Kupala Street. It's not tasty! It's not beautiful! What is Belexpo - these are exhibition "cardboard" pavilions, where on ordinary days there is book sale... And where noisy Indians brought their fair, the oriental bazaar more than once. Moreover, the most "respectable" of them, of these pavilions, is occupied by a construction exhibition, and the place of fashion, excuse me, is "barracks". I may be spoiled, but for me the concepts of fashion and chic are inseparable. I remember that I was very pleased when the first Belarusian Fashion Week was shown at the opera house. It was really beautiful and ... gorgeous. It was fashion, designer fashion, not a fashion from the market collapse. It was this analogy - a bazaar, a market - that came to my mind when I visited the notorious Show -room BFW, namely the exhibition of fashion designers. It was a pavilion, inside of which there was an ordinary, but meager market, where completely uninteresting things hung. Well, or they hung so that it was simply impossible to see or notice something interesting among them.
Can you ignore the organization? Hardly, because even the most luxurious diamond needs a decent setting.
But I'm not talking about fashion. But I mean that fashion is beautiful and comfortable. And fashion is also representative, tasty. And once again beautifully, beautifully served, damn it! Only in this way, otherwise it is impossible.
Belarus Fashion Week - Belarusian Fashion Week for Magazine
Belarus Fashion Week - Belarusian Fashion Week