Jewelry with jadeite stone and its magical properties

For many centuries, jadeite has not been separated from a similar one. jade, and called them one and the same word - "zhad", revered as a sacred stone.

But these are completely different minerals, with different physical and chemical properties. Possessing high hardness, the stone was used in ancient times for the manufacture of weapons and other household tools. Later, great jewelry was made from it.

Jadeite stone - earrings

Jadeite stone properties

Jadeite is a unique stone. It is sometimes called simply - zhad. Jadeites range in color from red to purple. Green jadeite is especially prized. In ancient times, many jadeites came under the name - jade.

Only in the second half of the 19th century, thanks to the research of the French chemist A. Damour, it was determined that many stones called jade were not at all what they were mistaken for. In those days, almost all stones like jade were called "jade" (in Spanish "piedra de la jada" means kidney stone).

Apparently, kidney disease bothered our ancestors so much that kidney stones have been known for a long time. And jade was credited with the ability to relieve renal colic. By the way, jade also comes from the Greek "nephros" - kidney. Jadeite and nephrite were also used as a scraper or chisel (these minerals are already very hard).

Jadeite rings and pendant

Jadeite possessed the ability not only to eliminate renal colic, but gradually, with the development of civilization, it became a cult stone. Among the Aztecs, the mineral was valued more than gold, and could only belong to people of noble birth. In addition, jadeite products adorned temples and were indispensable attributes in rituals, for example, in sun worship. Amulets were made from it.

In China, the stone was idolized, but for the ancient Chinese, jade and jade were one and the same stone. Here not only jewelry was made of it, but also figurines and statues. The stone was often used in the interior of the house. Simply put, in China stone in special reverence.

In many corners of the Earth, unique in beauty and size jade was found, but a green apple-colored stone was extremely rare, and this is the very jadeite in question. And if such a stone was found, it could only belong to the emperor. So jadeite got the color of a green apple with a characteristic name - imperial or "imperial". Its prices are commensurate with the prices of emeralds.

Earrings and brooch with jadeite

Jadeite belongs to the group of alkaline pyroxenes, its chemical formula is NaAlSi2O6, and jade is a complex silicate of magnesium and iron. There are impurities in jadeite, and its color palette depends on it. And the composition of the stone can include more than 60 elements from the periodic table. High-quality types of jadeite include almost transparent minerals.

Jadeite dissolves in acids. The stone is very hard (6.5 - 7 on the Mohs scale), dense - 3 - 3.5 7 / cm3. It is difficult to break or saw it.

Color palette: all shades of green, red, yellow, lavender, white, brown, black, orange and pink jade are known. Since there are many varieties of color shades, names are used that more accurately characterize the color, for example, cream, earthy, glassy, ​​oily green, dry green ...

Jadeite stone of different colors

Jadeite is divided into three trade and, at the same time, jewelry categories:

1. Imperial. Its color is similar to the color of emerald, but, nevertheless, it is warmer, and then, it has more of a yellowish tint.

2. Commercial. Also green, opaque, has streaks and spots of emerald green.

3. Utilities. Jadeites are bright green and dark green in color. These are translucent green stones with a cloudy coating.

The imperial is valued above all.Imperial Jadeite is a light green stone that is extremely popular in China, Taiwan, Japan and Thailand. For imperial jade in the gem market, the price is breathtaking. Moreover, it is determined not by the carat, but by the size of the stone.

Jadeite stone of different colors

Jadeite deposits

Burma is considered the most significant deposit, which was discovered in the second half of the 19th century. An auction called "Imporium" is held here twice a year. One can be convinced of how much jadeite is worshiped here firsthand. A beautiful stone can also be found in our Urals, in the Sayan Mountains in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The price of jadeite is constantly growing. Since it is precisely those greens that were mentioned above that are valued, there are also fakes. Pale jadeite, which is very inexpensive, is dyed green. And, as experts say, it is not easy to distinguish a fake from a real imperial without special equipment. Therefore, jadeite jewelry should only be purchased from trusted stores. There are experiments on the artificial cultivation of jadeite.

Jadeite can be confused not only with jade or emerald, but also with chrysoprase, fluorite, amazonite.

Jewelry with jadeite stone and its magical properties

Jadeite - jewelry

Jadeite has come to our time with an ancient exceptional reputation. The countries of the Far East considered it a symbol of prosperity, good luck and health. The ancient Chinese made the whitish-green stone an object of worship many millennia ago. And today in stores in China, Japan, and throughout Southeast Asia, you can find numerous jewelry with jadeite.

And if you pay attention to successful people, having visited these countries, you will see a ring with an imperial on one of their fingers in the form of a cabochon, because jadeite is always associated with wealth here.

Since this stone is treated with such respect here, jadeite cutting has spread to all master jewelers from these corners of the Earth - in the form of a cabochon. Jadeite in the countries of the Far East is surrounded, one might say, by religious worship. Jadeite is used to make rings, pendants, bracelets, brooches, and various souvenirs.

Chinese stone cutters, engaged in the processing of jade and jadeite, created many artistic stone products, mainly souvenirs with eastern symbols (figurines of gods, people, animals). And today China buys up a significant part of the mined mineral and occupies a leading place in the world in the processing of jadeite.

In 2003, the House of Cartier presented a collection of magnificent jewelry called "Kiss of the Dragon". Rings made of green, black, purple jadeite, on which Chinese characters are lined with diamonds, distinguished themselves with particular beauty and sophistication.

Due to its physical and chemical properties, the stone is used not only for jewelry. Jadeite is also used as a facing material, of course, its inexpensive varieties, they are used to decorate saunas and baths. This is not only beautiful, but also useful, as the stone retains heat for a long time.

Stone carving

Healing properties of jadeite stone

It has already been said that since ancient times, people have associated jadeite with the cure of kidney disease. However, you should know that no stone will cure on its own, you need a good doctor and medicines. The stone can only enhance the effect of drugs.

Jadeite - Magical properties

Since ancient times, they have been assured of the ability of jadeite to instill confidence in the one who wears it, to stabilize the psyche, to make it balanced and peaceful. This mineral can make your thoughts noble and exalted and will prevent you from committing unseemly deeds. But if you know that you need the listed qualities, then use your own will, and jadeite will simply adorn you.

Jadeite has been valued by a wide variety of peoples since antiquity. In Europe, they learned about it from the Maya Indians, and immediately it became popular not only in the treatment of renal colic, but also among jewelers. According to Chinese tradition, the jadeite ring gives strength, takes the blows of fate and makes its owner invulnerable. How nice if it were so ...

Jadeite necklaces

Stone price

Jadeite is quite an expensive gem.However, its price, depending on the quality of the stone, can vary significantly. The cheapest category of jadeite is utilities. It can be about 2-3 dollars per kilogram of crushed stone. The most expensive jadeites are imperials, which are close to emeralds in price.

It is the green jadeites that are valued for jewelry. The category of commercial jadeite includes stones that are translucent, with noticeable veins, although they are lower than the "imperial" jadeite.

When evaluating a stone, the color, its intensity, transparency, graininess, and the presence of inclusions are taken into account. Jewelry jadeite is both a rarity and a high cost, its price can go up to $ 50 thousand per gram.

Jewelry with jadeite stone

Care of jadeite jewelry with jadeite

It will be better if the jewelry with jadeite is stored in a separate case, but you can also wrap it in a soft cloth. Jadeite does not like direct sunlight, excessive moisture and dust. Mechanical shocks are also not helpful.

The stone should be cleaned twice a year using soap and warm water and then wiped dry. Chemicals cannot be used.

From antiquity to the present day, jadeite in China is an example of aesthetic perfection. The most revered statues are made of jadeite, the most coveted talismans are jadeite, the best compliment for Chinese woman - "beautiful as jadeite."

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