Film Marie Antoinette and the history of fashion
If you are looking for inspiration amid the gray days and at the same time have never watched the film "Marie Antoinette", then it is definitely time to watch it.
After all, as the last French queen used to say, "if they have no bread, let them eat cakes." For which, in fact, she lost her head. After watching the movie "Marie Antoinette" you also risk losing your head. But solely because of the incredible beauty of this motion picture.
The 2006 film "Marie Antoinette" tells about the events connected with the life of the French queen Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI - the French king of the XVIII century. The last French king, eventually deposed from the throne during the French Revolution.
This movie is primarily worth watching because of its costumes. However, the very time of Marie Antoinette was famous for focusing only on the external attributes of court life - the richness of interiors, costumes, the complexity of the court ceremony. And nothing serious, no reflections on the less attractive and not at all easy life outside the walls of the palace.
As you know, you can study the history of the costume from books, as well as from portraits of a certain time. Another source can be films dedicated to a particular historical event. But in the case of films, you should always be careful and never forget that not all films with a historical plot have costumes that correspond to the era.
In the case of the film "Marie Antoinette" the costumes of the characters are in perfect order. And these are just amazing costumes. After all, the time at which the events of the film take place is the time
rococo style... The most magnificent, bright and colorful style in the history of European costume.
According to some reports, 80% of the film budget was spent on preparing costumes for the characters. Milena Canonero became the costume designer for the film "Marie Antoinette". Milena Canonero originally collaborated with Stanley Kubrick.
Considering the director's name, you must agree that the level of Milena Canonero's work has always been at a high level. Milena Canonero has designed costumes for Stanley Kubrick's films A Clockwork Orange and Barry Lyndon. For her costumes for the last film, she received an Academy Award.
And the costumes for the film "Marie Antoinette" by Milena Canonero also received a high award - the Oscar.
The costumes fully correspond to the historical cut, which is rather an exception for the works of Milena Canonero. Since in many of her films, she deliberately departed from accuracy in conveying the external appearance of the costumes of a certain era. The only "but", in the film "Marie Antoinette" Milena Canonero nevertheless removed the excessively redundant trimmings of costumes
rococo style.

Painting by a French artist of the 18th century. Antoine Watteau
The picture shows a dress with a "Watteau fold" - such a fold on the dresses was named after the artist

Still from the film
Dress with "Watteau fold"
When watching the film "Marie Antoinette", you can get the most real aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the pastel range of costumes of the heroes of the film, namely, pastel colors are one of the features of the Rococo style, as well as from the lightness and airiness of the outfits combined with the unimaginable complexity of designs (very wide frames for skirts, complex high hairstyles on the frame).
The film also contains some visual quotes from portraits of that time.
Painting of the 18th century. - Marie Antoinette with children and still from the filmThe film's director Sofia Coppola noted in one of her interviews that she wanted to collide history and reality in the film, to some extent tell the historical plot in modern language.And this is another reason to watch this film. The film is very dynamic, it features a lot of musical compositions from the 1980s. The film does not look like a monumental historical canvas, it breathes with the spirit of youth.
And with visual images, the director is also a hooligan. So, in the scene of Marie Antoinette trying on shoes in the frame, attentive viewers will be able to notice sneakers. This was not a "blooper", but was a completely deliberate move on the part of the director of the motion picture. By the way, the shoes, like the costumes, were also specially created for the film based on historical models. The film used shoes from
Manolo Blahnik.
The film "Marie Antoinette" is one of those films that should be watched very carefully. And in another way, you will not be able to watch. Since the basis of this film is precisely the visual series. The very plot of the film fades into the background, the focus is only on visual images. And visual images are mobile and changeable. Even the color of the dresses changes under the influence of events in the life of Marie Antoinette.
The young queen is carefree and cheerful. And her dresses are made of light flying fabrics. Then, in the life of Marie Antoinette at the French court, a number of problems and difficulties arise, which are reflected in the form of accessories - bright and disturbing. And by the end of the film, Marie Antoinette's outfits become completely dark. The colors around them are thickening too ...
The film "Marie Antoinette" is good not only for its costumes, although in many respects it is thanks to them. The interiors themselves, in which the events of the film take place, are also magnificent. The film crew received permission from the French government to shoot in Versailles. And even in the Hall of Mirrors, which was then under restoration, the film crew managed to film scenes of the wedding ball of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI.
So if you want to see something filled with bright and colorful visuals, memorable and beautiful, but at the same time not devoid of a serious plot, then the film "Marie Antoinette" directed by Sofia Coppola is definitely worth watching.