Moonstone - magical properties and photos
"The moon is rich in the power of suggestion,
There is always a mystery around her.
She echoes us: “Life is a reflection,
But this ghost does not breathe by accident. "
Constantin Balmont.
In many countries, the moonstone has long been considered foresighted or simply sacred. For example, in India, it was believed that the stone brings good luck, in
Mesopotamia, the Chaldeans, who lived in the 1st millennium BC, appreciated the supposedly magical properties in it, especially at the full moon, in the Middle Ages in Europe they called the stone - the stone of lovers, and they expected it to bring happiness to the family.
Moonstone or adularia is a type of feldspar. Feldspars are widespread in the earth's crust, which is probably why their numerous types and varieties of minerals are called "feldspars", that is, found in every field. All of them, beautifully colored, belong to ornamental and collectible minerals. Feldspars are divided into two groups: potassium and lime-sodium. It is in the group of potassium feldspars that the moonstone is found, but it is not often found.
Moonstone properties
Moonstone or adularia. This is a nacreous pearl spar. It iridescent in blue and bluish gray tones. Its name comes from the name of the city where it was first met - the city of Adula in the Swiss Alps. Sometimes there are moonstones with asterism in the form of a four-pointed star or the effect of a "cat's eye".
In the moonstone, one can observe the overflow of color over the surface and light figures. Many precious and semi-precious stones are characterized by the appearance of such light figures in the form of stripes or other superficial overflows. This phenomenon is not associated with its own color or pollution, and is not associated with the chemical composition. It is caused by reflections, interference, diffraction in thin layers, voids or some other structural elements. So, the phenomenon that is called adularization reveals a bluish-white shimmer on the surface of the moonstone cabochon, which slides over the surface when the stone moves. This shimmer is like moonlight. Let us repeat once again the reason for this phenomenon - the interference associated with the lamellar structure of the stone.

Moonstone. It has a hardness on the Mohs scale - 6 - 6.5, density - 2.56 - 2.59, cleavage - perfect, crystals - prismatic. The chemical composition of the moonstone is K [AlSi3O8]. Pleochroism is absent. Fluorescence is weak, bluish and orange.
Color shades of stone
Moonstone can be blue, gray, white, yellow and even black. A beautiful moonstone with shades of peach. A deposit of greenish-gold moonstones has been discovered in South India. In accordance with the shades, moonstones also have names: blue, gray and white - adularia, blue or greenish with black shades - labrador, yellow - selenite.
Place of Birth
The main deposit is located in India, as well as in Sri Lanka, Brazil, Madagascar, Myanmar, USA. Moonstone jewelry is often in the form of cabochons.
The magical and healing properties of moonstone
The ancient wise men and astrologers claimed that the stone heals the nervous system, helps to cope with epilepsy, melancholy and depression, relieves the feeling of fear. Some of them recommended wearing moonstone products for those who need to survive situations that agitated the soul.
The properties of the moonstone, like the night star itself, according to magicians, change. With the growth of the moon, a white spot also grows on the surface of the stone, and its magical powers are intensified at this time.That is why sorcerers and sorcerers monitored the state of the moon, trying to attract not only good luck and love, but also many adverse consequences. Even people ignorant of magic, on the advice of a "grandmother" from a neighboring village, confidently recommended wearing a moonstone brooch, thereby attracting love to oneself.
One way or another, the moon and the moonstone itself were considered a mineral that affects the fate of people.
Astrologers assure that those born under the constellations Leo and Sagittarius should be wary of jewelry with a moonstone. But if a stone attracts you, stops your gaze, you admire it, feel free to purchase jewelry. Perhaps your subconsciousness and hidden abilities will open up, or maybe he will simply make a stunning image with your outfit.
Continuing the conversation about healing and
magical properties stone, we note that astrologers and magicians promise special benefits of the stone to people of creative professions. However, here it should be hinted that hard work will bring benefits in the first place, and the mysterious stone is simply very beautiful in itself. The mysterious moonlight attracts and beckons lovers and poets.
“For many years I have pondered over earthly life.
There is no incomprehensible thing for me under the moon.
I know I don't know anything! -
This is the last truth I discovered. " Omar Khayyam
Moonstone in jewelry
As already mentioned, most moonstones are cut in the form of a cabochon. Rene Lalique often used it in his products, because it goes well with crystal elements and silver. It is adularia, with its color shades, so close to the moonlight, that is stunningly beautiful in silver. And the moonstone, in which there is a greenish-blue hue, looks luxurious in gold.
Moonstone price
The price is primarily determined by the color intensity, transparency and size, as well as the depth, which differs when the stone is rotated. Moonstone is highly prized, especially blue. Moonstones, rarely seen, are valued higher, such as cat's-eye adularia and star-shaped stones.
The most beautiful and high quality stones are mined in India and Sri Lanka. However, unfortunately, these deposits have already exhausted themselves. Therefore, the cost of the moonstone rises every year.
Moonstone is difficult to confuse with any other. The hazy glow of the moon is visible only in a real moonstone. The most advantageous among all the varieties of moon stones is possessed by adularia. There is even a belief that its brilliance grows with the growth of the moon. A beautiful and showy stone looks good in silver.
And finally, I would like to recall the words of the famous Antoine de Saint-Exupery:
“Never ignore the person who cares most about you. Because one day, you may wake up and realize that you have lost the moon by counting the stars. "