Romanian lace lace

You have probably admired Balmain collections more than once, in which there were always a lot of embossed weaves, lace patterns. But today the conversation is not at all about these collections, and not about the fantastic luxurious costumes created by Olivier Rousteing. Today all admiring epithets dedicated to Romanian lace lace, the beauty of which is impossible to resist.

The basis of Romanian lace is a cord crocheted according to the "caterpillar" pattern. Everyone, even novice needlewomen, knows this cord. The cord is made with cotton threads, rather dense, because we want to get embossed patterns. Linen, wool, viscose - these threads can also be safely taken into work.

Romanian lace for interior decoration

Further, a prepared cord of a certain length (it is necessary to calculate the corresponding length in advance) is laid out along the contour of the drawing. Which pattern or motives to choose depends on your product and your desires. The drawing should be transferred to dense fabric, which is an auxiliary element in the work. When the pattern is ready and the cord is attached to the fabric, fill in the inside of the pattern. This part of the work is done with a needle, and in fact, you are already embroidering further without clinging to the fabric.

The motives of the picture can be filled with connecting straps, mesh, hemstitch .... In some places, where the contours of the pattern are close, individual parts of the cord are neatly sewn to the hooks, by the edge of the cord. The threads for embroidery should also be cotton, but thinner than those that you used to make the cord, "Iris", in some cases silk, "Mouline thread" will do. The latter must be collected in several additions. In general, this work may require threads of different thicknesses. You need to embroider with threads of the same color as the laid cord.

Romanian lace for interior decoration

Despite the expected heaviness of lace ornaments, all things look very elegant. The Romanian lace lace technique is very suitable not only for garments, but also for interiors. We can say that it is simply impossible to create luxury in your home without Romanian lace.

Romanian lace for garment and interior decoration

Romanian lace for clothing decoration

There can be many ways of weaving cords, or better to say, unlimited. In addition to the "caterpillar", you can consider rather complex weaving of cords, and not necessarily crochet, there are other methods, such as macrame. Then the beauty of the performed motive will be simply amazing.

The cords of individual parts of the pattern can be made with thread of different thicknesses. Showing your imagination, you can create your own masterpieces, the main thing is to be patient. By the way, special knowledge or professional skills are not required to create Romanian lace patterns. You can draw any geometric shapes, filling them with a variety of motives, or you can use a floral ornament: curls, leaves, beautiful flowers, smooth lines and other similar patterns.

Romanian lace for clothing decoration

According to historical finds, lace lace was mostly used for home decoration. In the national dress of Romania, the technique of cross-stitching prevailed, counting stitch, tapestry. Every woman could weave cloth, spin yarn, weave and embroider at home.

In modern fashion, Romanian lace is used to create many garments, as well as individual elements such as collars, belts, handbags, jackets, vests, boleros, capes, tunics and, of course, luxury dresses.

So it is not only Olivier Rousteing who can create beauty. You can do that too.

Romanian lace for clothing and interior decoration

Knitted dress with lace
Knitted dress with lace
Knitted dress with lace

Romanian lace lace
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