Girls in very short shorts and beauty standards
Today we will talk about short women's shorts and
beauty standards... At first glance, summer gives a great opportunity for all girls to wear short shorts and decorate the streets of our cities. But in reality, most girls are better off not wearing short shorts if they want to look pretty.
It's amazing how many young and even young girls have flabby legs! How can you start your body like this at 17-25 years old? Of course, we are all free and decide for ourselves what kind of life to lead, but why demonstrate our laziness, weakness and bad habits so clearly? Flabby and cellulite - legs are a bright indicator of a lazy personality and malnutrition.
Why are you wearing short shorts when you know your body is so neglected? There are three possible answers.
1. You think that in short shorts you look pretty and seductive anyway.
2. It seems to you that it is very comfortable in short shorts.
3. You just don't care how you dress.
Short shorts adorn and make seductive only girls with slender perfect legs. No matter how much we talk about the need to love yourself the way you are - in the minds of the majority, a fat or just flabby body does not evoke associations associated with beauty. A flabby body is always the result of a lazy lifestyle or illness.
Super Short Shorts by Miu MiuConvenience. Now all the media are teaching us how to dress in a way that is comfortable, regardless of stylish rules, beauty standards and public opinion. Only short shorts are by no means a comfortable thing, especially if you use public transport. You sit down with your almost bare ass on the seat where a sweaty, smelly man was sitting a minute ago! You say that you love yourself, why do you allow this?
Conclusions: short women's shorts can only be worn by girls with a perfect athletic body. Only they actually decorate the streets of our cities. And if you don't have a sports figure yet, put on a dress or skirt with a top, it will be much more beautiful and no less comfortable.