Products made of elephant and mammoth ivory are very beautiful, walrus tusk is slightly inferior to them, the sperm whale's tooth is also original in its own way. The only drawbacks of these products are the high price of raw materials.
When you want to experiment, make original jewelry - bone products, it will be quite logical to look for raw materials that are more affordable and cheaper. Someone works with cattle horn, elk horn, cow bone. And the most daring bone artists use human bones of dead people!
Check out these pieces by designer Columbine Phoenix, all the bones she collected in the cemetery and made these jewelry. Want to try on, or maybe buy?
Personally, I have no desire to wear such products, although I use the ivory comb with pleasure and also have a walrus tusk brooch. It seems that the material is the same - bone, but psychologically it is not very comfortable to carry on yourself, or otherwise use parts of dead people from the grave ... ..
Bone jewelry, bone jewelry for Magazine
Columbine Phoenix is a bone designer.
Bone products and bone jewelry.