Why the ban on the combination of socks with sandals has outlived its usefulness
Many girls are afraid to combine socks with sandals, sandals and open shoes. Today we will try to figure out why it is impossible to combine socks with sandals, where this strange prohibition came from and why it has become obsolete in our time.
Stylists have talked many times about the inadmissibility of combining open shoes with socks, but rare rules live for a very long time. In the second half of the 20th century, people erased and destroyed many traditions that have existed for centuries, why not break the rule about the inadmissibility of socks with sandals and other open shoes?
If fashionable girls can wear coarse, masculine-style shoes,
oversized clothes, linen style, why not show beautiful socks?
Why can't you wear socks with sandals and sandals?
The stylish ban on the demonstration of socks has several reasons, we will list the most basic ones:
1. Socks cannot be displayed due to the fact that they are part of the underwear. The linen is worn for personal convenience and hygiene purposes. Traditionally, in many cultures, it is not customary to display underwear. Where does this tradition come from? It originates from religious and cultural prohibitions, according to which everything related to personal hygiene and the naked body is intimate.
There is a lot of good in these traditions, especially in a spiritual sense, but look at the catwalk, this is not the first season
lingerie style is in fashion... mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ has repeatedly talked about fashion trends, we considered the most modest images in lingerie style. If now it is fashionable to expose many parts of the body, dress up in pajamas, dresses such as a nightgown and put on a bra over a blouse, why do beautiful socks with sandals look vulgar?
Pairing dressy socks with sandals or open-toed shoes can create a fun, playful look, and it looks cute compared to the many fashion looks featured in recent Fashion Weeks.
2. It is difficult to create a stylish look. There is nothing terrible in the combination of socks with sandals or sandals, only not everyone will succeed in this combination beautifully and harmoniously fit into a stylish image. The sock can add complementary colors that are often discordant with the rest of the colors. Human skin does not add new colors, as it is present in any image - therefore, most often bare feet in sandals and sandals look better.
If you want to implement this fashion trend in your image, you need to try different combinations, take a photo and look at yourself from the side, front, back, watch a video in motion and only then make a decision.
3. Bad associations. Sandals with socks have been considered one of the worst combinations for many years. A rare rating of bad manners in clothes can do without them. The sock-with-sandals union was regularly ridiculed on forums and social media. Therefore, many people have written in their minds that this is very bad.
When such people see a combination of socks with sandals, their brains turn on the worst associations with village tastelessness, low culture, cheap tourists and cattle in general. If approval is important to you, it is best to ignore this fashion trend until it erases negative associations in the minds of the population.
Don't you care about the thoughts and associations of others? You can safely experiment, in any case, no one will throw stones at you, and will not be sent to the fire, as in the good old days, when inappropriate clothing could cost life.