Fashion Jewelry

Black rings in carbon, titanium and ceramic

Black rings are original jewelry and a good addition to the image. If it is not black gold, which has already talked about, such rings often have a very affordable price, because they are made of steel, titanium, ceramics, carbon and other available materials. Thanks to their low price, these jewelry open up new horizons for experimenting with looks and style.

The black color in rings made of different alloys and titanium is achieved through resistant coatings. The coating on a titanium ring can quickly become scratched and the ring will immediately lose its appearance. Ceramics and carbon can be completely black, so they are not afraid of scratches, this is a big plus. When choosing between ceramics and carbon, remember that ceramics are prone to chipping and brittleness. It turns out that carbon is the most reliable material for a black ring.

Black titanium and carbon rings
Black titanium and carbon rings

Carbon is a durable composite material. Its structure consists of carbon fibers, tightly interwoven with each other. In addition, resins and threads are added to the structure of the ring, and in each new layer of threads applied, the weaving angle changes.

The main advantage of carbon fiber is its strength and low weight. Carbon is lighter than aluminum. Despite the fact that the threads, of which the carbon directly consists, are thin, they are resistant to damage, they are very difficult to break. The braided base allows you to depict various ornaments and patterns on the carbon ring. All carbon rings are highly durable and look stylish and unusual at the same time.

Black titanium rings

Why black ceramic and carbon rings are popular today

In the 1990s, we loved gold, but more often than not, heavy gold jewelry was worn by people of low culture, so now massive chains and rings are somewhat vulgar. And now there are completely different moods in society, more and more people are saving on jewelry. Modern young people can safely spend 50,000 - 60,000 rubles on a smartphone, but they are not ready to spend even 5,000 rubles on jewelry.

To some extent, this is an unreasonable system of values, because gold has been steadily growing in price in recent years, and a smartphone in a couple of years is sent to the trash can. But today we will not delve into the rationality and expediency of purchases.

Black rings

Materials of modern jewelry can reflect advances in science and technology. For example, carbon rings. This material is often associated with high-speed cars and gadget cases. Therefore, carbon rings reflect their owner's passion for high technology and the future in general. The use of carbon in jewelry symbolizes the development of technological progress, gradually making its way into the jewelry world.

Also, black carbon rings can better match the style and reflect the state of mind. And sometimes these decorations have a symbolic meaning, for example, to denote belonging to one of the minorities.

Black ring with stone

Black ring as a symbol of asexuality

Since the 1960s, there has been so much sex that some people are tired of it and sick of it. Someone is born with reduced desire, others prefer to follow the path of spiritual and intellectual development. In general, there are people who hate sex, they are defined as a group of sexual minorities - asexuals.

Assexuals can be no different from ordinary people, they get along well with others, have a favorite job and friends, they just do not have a craving for the satisfaction of sexual desires. In doing so, they may even start a family with men and women of similar views on relationships.

Assex symbolism
Assex symbolism

For most modern people, such a phenomenon looks wild, many think that this is some kind of madness inherent in our time. In fact, this is not the case.Back in Tsarist Russia, there were many married couples who did not have close relationships. Then it was called - they lived like brother and sister. In those days, the refusal of sex was committed in the name of spiritual growth and was considered a spiritual feat. Now this phenomenon is perceived as almost insane.

In any case, asexuals are reality, they have their own black-gray-white-purple flag and other symbols. The black ring is the most beautiful and accessible symbol to demonstrate your orientation. Assex men wear a black ring on the middle finger of their right hand. The material of the ring does not matter, it can be gold, carbon, coated titanium or ceramic.

Beautiful rings
Beautiful black rings

In addition to cheap black rings from available materials, the jewelry industry and designers offer luxurious black jewelry. In such rings, carbon is complemented by inserts and elements made of precious metals and even real precious stones, such as diamonds... At the same time, no one knows which ring you have on your finger, for 400 rubles from aliexpress, or a designer product made of carbon fiber with a diamond and platinum for 400,000 rubles.

Why black carbon and ceramic rings are popular today

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