Fall-winter 2024-2025
All the fashion trends from the women's fall-winter 2024-2025 collections in mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ reviews. Beautiful evening dresses and clothing for casual looks, business style and sportswear, in keeping with the spirit of our time.

Fashionable women's clothing, bags and shoes Tom Ford 2024-2025

Tom Ford has long known the desires of society, so he achieved great success at Gucci. Only recently has it seemed that the designer has focused more on perfumery and cosmetics. Tom Ford experimented with the format of shows, changed his place of residence, and now presented a new collection that cannot be overlooked.

The new women's collection autumn-winter 2024-2025 is a real gift for those who are already tired of minimalism and passionately want to add glamor and defiant luxury from the 1980s and 1990s to their image. At the same time, the collection will appeal to animal protectors and followers of the ideas of vegetarianism. The main motive of the new collection is the animal print, including on faux fur, which is very beautiful!

Women's clothing Tom Ford 2024-2025
Women's clothing Tom Ford 2024-2025

No matter how much stylists and fashion historians talk about dangers and even vulgarity of leopard print, time has no power over him, unlike people. Decades will pass, only dust and ashes will remain from the stylists of our time, and fashionistas of the future will love the leopard print in the XXII century and in the more distant future.

A fashionable leopard, python, jaguar and zebra do not have to completely copy their ancestors from the world of animals, and even more so they do not have to be natural. For a long time, only natural materials were valued in fashion. Faux fur almost always looked poor on the catwalk and was even a sign of poverty and squalor. Only we live in a time of change, now more and more brands choose faux fur. Now it's the turn of Tom Ford.

The name of designer Tom Ford has been associated with luxury for many years, and at the same time we remember how well he knows the desires of his customers. Therefore, the leopard collection autumn-winter 2024-2025 with the use of faux fur is an important signal that artificial materials will now more and more capture the world of luxury.

Faux fur and fashionable clothing of the future

Today, a natural fur coat has lost its elitism, literally every aunt can buy a mink coat. Of course, the quality of the fur is different, but in any case, natural fur is gradually losing its elitism. This does not mean that valuable breeds of fur will go out of fashion, there will be a place for everyone.

Faux fur 2024-2025
Faux fur 2024-2025

Many fashionistas cannot accept the luxury of the man-made materials available. Some people do not understand how you can pay serious money for a sheepskin coat made of faux fur. Now, if Tom Ford had invented a high-tech faux fur, with app control, with the ability to download new prints. Just think how tempting a short fur coat is, where the fur changes color, turning from a leopard into a zebra, and then again becoming a leopard, but exclusively neon!

Let's not dive too deeply into the dreams and philosophy of fashion. Let's go back to the Tom Ford collection. In addition to the defiant bright prints, the collection also includes sequins and shiny silver textures, which are among the current fashion trends. In general, the fall-winter 2024-2025 collection clearly demonstrates that Tom Ford has tremendous creative potential and will make an even greater contribution to the fashion of the future.

Leopard print 2024-2025
Modern luxury from the Tom Ford collection 2024-2025
Leopard print 2024-2025

Leopard print 2024-2025

Tom Ford womens shoes
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