Fashion history

National Tyrolean costume - for women and men

Each nation inherits a legacy from previous generations. This heritage contains objects of material culture: everyday life, clothing, architecture, and applied art. A special place is occupied by the national costume, which many peoples carefully preserve as family heirlooms or museum exhibits. And there are those who continue to wear their national costumes.

Tyrolean and Bavarian national costumes are lucky, they are still worn, they are proud of, and tourists who come to Alpine cities are surprised and at the same time admire the people's memory of their heritage.

Tyrolean costume

Why are Tyrolean national costumes so attractive?

The fact that all fabrics are natural is not surprising, in ancient times there was nothing synthetic, so all peoples wore clothes only from natural materials. Tyrolean suits are very comfortable, and their cut is perfect, does not restrict movement at all.

Women's suits are distinguished by elegance, femininity, and men's ones - masculine, and all together - good taste and beautiful finishes. The Bavarians and Tyroleans explain it this way - “love for detail”.

Not only in Russia, the national costume has differences in each region, or, as they used to say, the province.

Tyrolean and Bavarian national costumes are very similar, but there are changes for the same reason as in Russia. Every land has its favorite colors, fabrics and decorative details. Once Bavaria and Tyrol were a single state, they still have a common language. Today Bavaria is in Germany, and Tyrol is partly in Austria and partly in Italy.

But they both strive to preserve every detail of their national costume, which is known in almost every corner of Europe and Russia.

Women's Tyrolean costume
Women's Tyrolean costume

Tyrolean costume - male and female

Men's suithunting mens feather hat, a dark green jacket - all this in combination with leather trousers, leggings and boots or boots; in a set of men's clothing and leather shorts - Lederhose, which can have different lengths.

Woman suit, or dirndl (Dirndl), was once the traditional dress of alpine peasant women and servants. But his femininity and charm have long inspired European fashion designers. Dirndl consists of a blouse, always with puffy sleeves, which are often decorated with lace and embroidery.

Tyrolean national costume - women and men

The neckline is deep enough, opens the neck and shoulders, a rigid corset with laces or an open vest emphasize the curves of the female figure. The bodice must be tight-fitting, and an apron is tied on a wide fluffy skirt.

Don't you think that these things can still be worn today?

In Tyrol and Bavaria, the clothes of the inhabitants of the Alps told everything about its owner - about family, age, position in society and even about the number of children. Color, style and embroidery patterns - this was information about the area and the status of the owner. For the Tyrolean, it is important that there is no mixing of colors, embroideries, emblems and other details in one outfit that do not correspond to a certain area.

The national costume of the Alpine highlanders is quite bright, you can see various decorative details on it. Men's vests and coats are decorated with embroidery, chains and ribbons that take the place of a tie.

Men's Tyrolean costume

The women's costume includes items such as vests, skirts, blouses, dresses, jackets, coats. There is also an important item in the outfit of a Tyrolean woman - an elegant apron with a bow must be tied over a skirt or dress. How can a real hostess (HausFrau) be without an apron?

If a Bavarian woman is married, the bow should be on the right, unmarried on the left, and the widow should be in the middle. The costume must be complemented by a necklace.

Tyroleans and Bavarians love their national clothes, and they will gladly share with visiting tourists. If you are in Tyrol or Bavaria, you can buy a real national costume, although it is expensive. The real Tyrolean costumes are made from the best quality materials, they have a lot of handicraft and expensive finishes. For example, natural felted wool - Loden, natural suede, leather - of the highest quality, linen, cotton and wool are used.

The embroidery is different, but the most popular motif is edelweiss. These flowers are sometimes knitted and sewn in the form of an emblem, including on men's frock coats. Ribbons and bows are silk, lace is sewn in several layers. Buttons are made of natural materials, there are wooden, bone and metal buttons.

And besides this, indispensable accessories of the national costume are for men - leggings, hats with a goose or rooster feather, there may be tassels from chamois hair, embroidered straps for leather trousers, walking sticks, boots or boots.

For women - handkerchiefs, handbags, woolen shawls, miniature hats, shoes with buckles. Men's winter wardrobe includes suede jackets, while women's wardrobe includes flared coats with embroidery. And much more, and much more, that is, an abundance of details and items that are very necessary and useful. Please note that all this has not gone out of fashion for a long time, while it looks elegant.

Women's Tyrolean costume
Women's Tyrolean costume

The national costume of a true Tyrolean will always be made only of natural materials. talked a lot about wedding dresses. So, you will probably be interested to know that about 150 years ago, wedding dresses in Bavaria and Tyrol were made of black or dark green fabric, but the veil was white.

Hopefully, Tyroleans and Bavarians will wear their comfortable and beautiful national costumes for a long time. Many designers like to create collections in folk style, and Tyrolean costume inspires them to create new interesting models.

True Alpines have full national costumes in their wardrobe and wear them at festivals and other national holidays. The alpine tuxedo does not disappear from the city streets of Austria. This item of men's wardrobe has also entered the women's one. The national costume brings the bygone generations closer to the living, the spirit of antiquity contributes to the pacification of the modern environment and its regularity.

Women's Tyrolean costume
Women's Tyrolean costume
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