Natural cosmetics and conventional cosmetics, which is better?

Recently, there has been a lot of heated debate over which cosmetics Better - natural cosmetics, practically free of synthetic substances, or the usual, to which we are accustomed, containing mainly artificial components with the addition of natural extracts. As it turned out, scientists have not yet come to a consensus in this area, as always. Based on the conclusions of various people, personal opinions, articles of independent medical sites, I will make my own attempt to consider these two options.

So, adherents of natural cosmetics are shouting with all their lungs that this cosmetics is the best, which is facilitated by increased propaganda on television and the media, accusing every single synthetic substance of harm and toxicity.

Parabens, formaldehyde, lauryl and laureth sulfates, MEA and other synthetic derivatives act as terrible carcinogens that cause irreversible effects, penetrate the cells of the body and cause various serious diseases. However, it is noteworthy that the media somehow sharply accused all synthetic substances that are contained in any traditional cosmetics. All of them suddenly turned out to be terribly harmful and carcinogenic (you ask, gentlemen, where have you been before, including them in absolutely every cosmetic product for everyone and everything?). The bottom line is that, on the whole, they may be right, since the effect of substances has been studied for a long time - more than one decade should pass for scientists to be convinced of the certainty of the effect of a particular substance. And yet, I will try to express some thoughts on this matter.

Natural and conventional cosmetics

Natural cosmetics - history

Let us recall history, this milestone in time, in which everything develops and improves. Nature itself is essentially the same medical laboratory. There are useful substances in it, there are also extremely harmful ones - toxins, poisons. Over time, people more and more studied this huge natural laboratory, learned to use the properties of plants for their own purposes - they tamed some poisons, including snake and bee poisons, and in small, permissible doses, turned into useful, medicinal means. For example, the same bee sting contains a rather potent substance, however, sciatica has been treated with it for a long time. Certain toxic herbal ingredients in small doses can help treat rheumatism, bone disease, and many other conditions. In this regard, many chemicals are similar to natural ones in structure, or created by synthesis, as their derivatives. Most chemicals are divided into large groups and small subgroups, with one general name but different effects. I read somewhere that you can give an example with the same definition of "acid" (general group), to which the subgroups belong: hydrochloric, sulfuric acid, as well as citric, fruit and lactic acid. I think it is not worth commenting on how different this group of substances is in their effects.

Many derivatives of chemical and petrochemical products have similar characteristics. They have general, group names, although the actions of such subgroups are completely different, they undergo different degrees of purification and are allowed when used in cosmetic and sometimes in medical preparations. It is more than stupid to blame synthetic components for absolute toxicity - after all, any taken separately, natural, natural substance can act as the strongest human allergen or carcinogen. And some poisonous natural substances can simply kill us. By the way, oil is essentially nothing more than a natural, natural substance ...

Those gentlemen who claim that a couple of centuries ago they washed their heads exclusively with chicken eggs are deeply mistaken. Even Madame Empress, and other rich and famous ladies, usually sent their footman to the shop of a perfumer or barber for the next portion of cosmetics. Shampoos and cosmetics, as a rule, were prepared by perfumers by hand, often right in the presence of a waiting messenger - a footman. And not always good, useful substances were included in their composition. Along with natural ingredients, natural poisons, mica, sulfur were used ...

Often the ladies blushed from these funds, or turned pale, and then the zealous lackey was sent a second time to the careless barber with a reprimand, and a request to improve the composition of the created product, and the perfumer himself sighed sadly, and muttered into his beard something similar to “Well, today is the heat of sulfur shifted ... "

Natural and conventional cosmetics

Modern cosmetics and perfumery have stepped far ahead in the creation of high-quality, the most harmless to humans, the development of scientific medicine, the treatment of certain complex diseases, from which there was no salvation before. In some sense, it will not be superfluous to note that humanity is somewhat carried away by the production of synthetic surrogates, and to mention the advisability of preserving the safety of natural ecology. And therefore, in my opinion, a reasonable and meaningful balance of combining natural, natural substances with their synthesized counterparts is necessary. Indeed, without them, no natural cosmetics will last, at best, more than a few weeks. In any case, some specific substance should act as a preservative in the composition. If there is an excess of, say, the same citric acid harmless to the body, it can irritate the skin. The same will bring about the abuse of alcohol and other preservatives.

As far as natural self-care products are concerned, there are also many pitfalls here. Hair wash kefir will most likely lead to excessive greasing of the roots and scalp. The egg will provide your hair with a living protein, and at the same time, the appropriate smell and some "sticking" of the hair. Shampooing with bread crusts makes the hair coarse and unruly, lacking in volume and natural lightness. After using honey, you are unlikely to be able to successfully comb your hair... A pure grape mask applied to the skin of the face can tighten it too much and cause irritation, due to an excess of fruit acid contained in it ... Many reviews of people about completely natural cosmetics are negative, and the main complaints are “it washes badly, does not foam at all, hair gets dirty quickly, skin pores become clogged, which contributes to the appearance of comedones, hair looks dull, falling, and not at all voluminous ... ”According to an independent medical site, such natural substances as lanolin (animal fat) can also cause a bad skin reaction. large quantities of coconut oil, almond oil, corn and peach oil, as well as synthetic derivatives: sodium lauryl sulfate, dimethicone, hexylene glycol, alcohol, etc.

Cosmetics developed in laboratories usually contain specially balanced formulas that are suitable for a particular skin type. Let's say, a certain amount of grape extract, then special oils that neutralize the too active effect of acids, the allowable amount of preservatives so that your product lasts a sufficient time, and does not deteriorate, and does not "stink" after a few days.

Natural and conventional cosmetics

Natural and conventional cosmetics - conclusions.
What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? As I wrote earlier, there is a reasonable balance and harmony in everything. You should not be too afraid of synthetic substances, and at the same time, the actions of many of them have not yet been proven with an accuracy of 100%. Therefore, adhering to common sense, read the composition on the packaging of the purchased product. I perfectly understand that you and I are not chemists, but nevertheless, some things do not hurt to know. Parabens, for example, should not appear at the top of the list, they usually should be at the very end (which means their minimum number). The same is with the perfume - it is better if it is spelled out towards the end of the formula. Otherwise, you risk suffocating from too intense a smell, and good cosmetics, as you know, must have a neutral scent. Also, it is undesirable to use mineral oil in cosmetics - a derivative of petrochemical products, hydrogenated oil will be enough castor... There should not be too much of any oils in the composition, so as not to create conditions for the skin's gumdogenicity. Make sure that the formula of the product is not overloaded. The more components there are in the list, the more likely it is that one of them may not work for you. In general, everything is individual, and while scientists are intensively fighting for the development of new, based on organic extracts, natural cosmetics, and find out the evidence of the harm of certain substances, we can only try carefully, intelligently combining the cosmetics provided to us with recipes prepared at home.

Tips for home remedies aficionados.

After using homemade, mild detergents (yolk, baby soap, etc.) instead of shampoo, you must use a vinegar solution (1 teaspoon per liter of water is enough). Vinegar is good for your hair, it will create the necessary oxidation in order to neutralize the residues of natural detergents, as well as make your hair shiny and silky. Citric acid can also play this role. Previously, women often rinsed their hair with fresh beer, however, in my opinion, modern girls still should not do this.

So, if you are not a fan of the active cycle of the modern urban industry, and you have free time, you can use one of the many recipes for making soaps and shampoos at home.

For dry skin, vegetable oil can be used with success instead of cream. It is only desirable that it be refined. The oil is applied to the skin in a thin layer, and after 15-20 minutes it is thoroughly soaked with a napkin. After that, rinsing with water is not required - the oil is completely absorbed into the skin and does not stain.

Read the recipe for a great yeast mask to get rid of acne in the article - how to get rid of blackheads.

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