Sun protection
Going on vacation to the seaside, in addition to swimwear and sundresses, there are many other essential items that you should take with you. Of course, these are cosmetics. And among them there must be a place for sunscreens. However, not only the skin of the face and body, but also the hair should be protected from the harmful effects of the sun.
The skin reacts quickly to serious tests, and will not hesitate to make you remember about its protection, but the hair loses its beauty at a somewhat slower pace, so you will not immediately see them faded and lifeless. Under the influence of sunlight, the hair becomes porous, it loses moisture, and a healthy shine is lost. That's why offers to take with you on vacation the best sun protection products not only for your skin, but also for your hair.
Means to protect hair from sunburn
LONDA PROFESSIONAL SUN SPARK - sunscreen shampoo and conditioner lotion. These products were created using the Radialux micro-ion technology. The product has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, quickly restores hair, restores its strength and shine.
Mandarin extract refreshes the scalp, while macadamia oil adds shine to the hair. The shampoo provides the hair with long-term care, saturates it with vitamins, makes it soft and manageable.
L'OREAL PROFESSIONNEL SOLAR SUBLIME - shampoo and hair balm. The shampoo gently cleanses the hair from chlorine and sea salt, restores its strength and shine. The balm is a barrier to the next harmful sun exposure. Together, these two products protect hair from burnout and dryness.
WELLA PROFESSIONALS SUN PROTECTION SPRAY - a protective spray that can be used throughout the day. The product is two-phase, in which the first phase creates a protective barrier, and the second feeds them from the inside. The spray is not washed off with sea water. It can be used on normal to fine hair.
Wella After Sun Moistur Fluid - Fluid to protect hair from ultraviolet radiation. The light consistency of the product is absorbed by the hair structure, leaving no oily sheen and stickiness.
Hair & Body Shampoo
Wella after sun shampoo will help relieve the negative effects of sunlight, sea salt and chlorinated water. The product has a softening effect on the skin, moisturizes the hair, preventing the formation of dryness and brittleness. Hair does not fade, its structure is not disturbed. The shampoo deeply cleanses the hair, makes it manageable and prevents tangling.
System Professional After Sun - A regenerating and moisturizing hair conditioner after sun exposure provides reliable protection by quickly absorbing into the pores. It should be applied immediately after cleansing the hair.
After using the shampoo, apply a sufficient amount of conditioner to the hair, treating the entire length of the hair. Then rinse off. Conditioner will restore strength and shine to the most damaged curls.
AMWAY SATINIQUE DUAL DEFEND SPRAY - hair spray "Double protection". This product is intended for weakened colored hair. It protects hair from UV rays, restores its strength and protects it during hot styling. The spray contains pomegranate extract and vitamin E, thanks to which the hair structure is restored, it looks healthy and shiny, and the color lasts longer.
You can continue to list the products that, according to manufacturers, are the best for protecting hair in the summer. But there will always be those among us who believe that it is better to prevent hair damage using folk methods. And even better, if you often put on a beautiful hat on your head. It is she who will help not only protect the hair from burnout and dryness, but also keep the head from overheating in general.
Natural remedies to protect hair from the sun
Egg yolk mask. If your hair is already damaged, you can use a mask based on egg yolk and burdock oil. To do this, mix all the ingredients in equal proportions and apply on
dry hair... Then insulate your head, leaving the mask for 40 minutes. This mask not only restores hair, but also prevents hair loss.
Honey based mask. Mix two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon each of vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar. The mixture is applied to dry hair, left for half an hour. Then you can wash your hair as usual.
Lemon mask. To moisturize and shine your hair, you can use a mask based on yolks, vegetable oil and lemon juice. 2 yolks are mixed with a few drops of olive oil, two teaspoons of lemon juice.
Herbal decoctions are also suitable for restoring and nourishing hair: chamomile, nettle, string, coltsfoot, sage. The herb is brewed for a couple of hours, then the hair is rinsed.
Among all sunscreens, it is better to pay attention to sprays, because they are easily applied to the hair and do not require rinsing.