Oatmeal - health and beauty benefits
We rush to work every morning. Someone quickly refills with sandwiches with cheese or ham, and someone eats instant oatmeal porridge. Now we will not talk about ham or sausage, but consider whether there is any benefit from porridge-oatmeal? Are instant mixes good for you? Maybe it's better to replace them with regular oatmeal or semolina?
Oats are rich in water-soluble fiber. And it is this property that differs from other cereals: wheat, barley and rye. Oats strengthen the immune system, lower cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of malignant cells in the body.
Oats are a source of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are not produced by the body; proper nutrition is their source. Oat grains contain 55% starch, about 25% fiber, 10% fat and about the same amount of protein. When oats are boiled, a slimy substance is formed, which protects the stomach during meals and is well absorbed.
Oats contain polyphenols that limit the absorption of protein, so it is better to cook oatmeal not in milk, but in water. In general, it is better not to combine oats with protein ones. The same can be said for hardware. Iron is less assimilated by the body in combination with oat products such as oat bread and ham.
Cereals for instant porridge are mechanically processed and the amount of dietary fiber and vitamin levels are reduced. That is, unpeeled cereals are more fortified than peeled ones. In addition, instant cereals have a higher glycemic index, which mystylex.decorexpro.com/en/ has already talked about.
Recall that
glycemic index - This is an indicator that reflects the rate at which foods, being broken down in the body, are converted into glucose. Instant porridges have a glycemic index of 70 - 80 (maximum 100), and ordinary cereals - 35 - 45. Instant porridges are more high in calories, and nutritionists recommend eating them once or twice a week in the morning and no more than 200 grams.
If you eat such cereals every day, you can gain excess weight, disrupt the metabolism in the body. Ordinary porridge, that is, whole grain, can be eaten every day, with the addition of milk. In the morning, the metabolism is faster than in the following hours, so you should not increase the amount eaten.
How to cook oatmeal correctly?It is better to cook oatmeal in water first. The flakes should be poured into boiling water, adding salt and sugar to taste, then cook for 5 to 7 minutes. After that, pour in hot milk and cook until tender.
However, the most useful porridge is not oatmeal, but buckwheat. Not everyone likes it, but in terms of the content of vitamins B1, B2, E and PP, buckwheat is superior to other cereals. Buckwheat contains phosphorus, iron, calcium, manganese, zinc, copper. Buckwheat improves digestion, reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels, normalizes heart function, promotes the accumulation of vitamin C. Therefore, buckwheat porridge is very useful for hypertensive patients, with heart failure, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism and various skin diseases.
What conclusion should be drawn?Instant porridges are more nutritious and less healthy than regular porridge. They have more carbohydrates and less fiber. And food should help create energy in the body, not fat deposits. Oat bread should be eaten more often, coarse-grained bread is better, it contains more valuable elements.